sister : eh kau jadilah pengapit masa wedding kak bibah.
me : kenapa tak suruh along jek?
sister : along taknak.
me : dah kenapa?
sister : dia cakap dia pendek. pengapit kena tinggi baru cantik.
me : what the fish u talking?? hahaha.
i mean like seriously who put up the criteria for being bridesmaid? anyone can be kan. sepatutnya. and that my sisters just came out with their theory; saying that a bridesmaid should be tall, is hilarious. wedding is about the bride's day. not you bridesmaid. hahaha. unless the bridesmaid tries to steal the limelight, with a hope that someone would notice her. and then they got married happily the next year. ok sounds like fairytale. or cliche. but i can't stop imagining silly things like that. bahahaha.
how does it feel to be a bridesmaid? i never been in that shoe. for a life. tapi macam best je kan. kan kan?
kaw jadik. aku taknak! i did told 'em benda mengarut tu. bwahahahahahaha ROFL
kaw jadik. aku taknak! i did told 'em benda mengarut tu. bwahahahahahaha ROFL
so mean of you.hahahahaha. bodo punye teori.hampagas btol -__-'''
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