i don't have any plan for this week. or next week. nak update blog pun macam takde cerita. & i am darn lazy to take photos on whatever event in this house. or outside the house. salah satu sebab kenapa blog ni takde banyak gambar. maybe i should pick up on small small things that can be interesting and fun to be read by you. and that's the problem. i look upon things with just one eye only; half-heartedly. so where is my passion for writing? where? hm.
now that home is a lavish place for food, i just have to think of what to eat. rather than when to eat. suddenly miss sambal kentang at maktab. oh cuma rindu makanan dan orang saja. dan bilik b217.
of course bukan the rules and pak guard. hesh2.
semoga ayah cepat sembuh & balik rumah cepat. amin..
window shopping!
boleh sajeeeee ;))))
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