after much sweats and traveling to few shops *ceyhceyh* i finally managed to own a celcom number! hahahaha. ok memang lame sangat. i switched bought the number due to some friends yang xpenah2 nak stop tanye eh kau ni xde num celcom ke; eyh mahal lah nak col maxis; or apesal kau pakai maxis ni kan dah ramai pakai celcom. ok fine. i finally got the message. with the hope that i would get the pretty number, i went to celcom centre. first time masuk mcm excited jek sebab xpnah pegi centre dekat jb jek. hahahaha *dush* when my turn was up, i just handed in the form (dalam hati bagilah number santek2 ok). but but but but....... the celcom guy told me that only 1 number left for UOX. the rest is SOX. dia tanya nak pergi cari number lain tak. azean cakap eh takpe cik saya dah malas nak pergi jelajah cari number; last2 nanti diorang suruh pergi celcom centre jugak. ok dah senyum saje. grab je that number lepastu balik.
incident of the day; i went to jusco right after the celcom centre. with my sis & her friend. & we're like some dead moving traffic lights walking in straight line, making way to baskin robbin. red yellow green. lol~
number tak lawa. macam tuan dia. ;p (sape cakap ni? sape?) T__T |
oh oh the package comes with brand new samsung hp, borrowed from dad. sorilah ye you alls aku xreti lagi, or pro lagi gune hp samsung. even tak macam blackeberry, or maybe sebab tak macam tu kot- aku tak jumpe pun smiley ikon. ke memang takde? tsk tsk. there goes the text looks dull with no expression -__-''' sekarang kena buat smiley dengan manual.
i'm going to terminate my maxis number soon. or ignore it until it is self-expired. so buzz me girls & i'll let you know my celcom number. tq!
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