'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

khusyuk ke?

i heard a kuliah this morning at tv9. there were some discussions about khusyuk in solat. like when i heard about it, i'm starting to think of myself. solat yang sempurna akan menghindari diri dari melakukan maksiat. if your solat is out, so as well your other amalan. idk how they are measured; Allah knows it. tapi seriously memang i was thinking that kadang-kadang my solat is somehow just an action; no deep impact on inner spirit. agaknye sebab tu kot aku keep on doing sin. certain orang cakap standard la kan buat dosa, nanti bertaubat lah. tapi boleh sure ke Allah nak ampunkan semua dosa kita kan. a lot of our actions resemble what we do and what we utter in our solat. you can actually see it; perhaps. tulah when we grow older (plus being a teacher lagi), takkan lah nak mencarut jeee kan. 

people somehow doubt why sometimes orang yang tak solat dapat semua. muka cantik, rambut lawa, pandai, kaya, semua lah. kadang-kadang aku pun fikir macamtu. aku ni dahla tak seberapa, dean's list pun tak. bla bla bla. but..... semua tu cuma dugaan. He wants to see how was your strength to still keeping faith to Him.

baru aku sedar aku ni kufur nikmat.

one way to improve solat : gain more knowledge. insyaAllah He will guide you there.


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