'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Saturday, January 29, 2011

my new home soon

introducing the home to 16 vuw students in wellington

shared kitchen


TK-KP 91

 i am counting days.
& it's gonna be soon.
really soon.

Friday, January 28, 2011

pocketful of misery

the date has yet confirmed. maybe 15th. yeah; and it's less than 2weeks now. packing to embark new journey.



registration part maybe has been settled by the gov (fees thingy). it's only that we have to register the course online and the accommodation as well. well be prepared miss as you'll be knowing your housemates soon. speaking of knowing the latest news about it, of course with this tech era kan, we depend almost everything from the net. and guess what, my vic account has been suspended due to reasons that i don't quite know. or maybe i know but i might be forgetful about it. see see see bila dah takboleh nak access account uni dah rase nak guling-guling nak nangis sebab tak tawu nak buat ape.  T__T really at certain circumstances i hate problems that come from the disfunction state of the technology. like what it costs really bugs the human being as we couldn't really see the problem; or unless you're super genius einstein who can detect the bullshit around.like the Y2K bugs. perhaps it's a propaganda to scare human. like they're haunting you. and they can't never be grasped by hands. and yet, it's the world's issue man. whose the culprit is, we never bother. and i hate to say that i hate who invented the virus spams or whatsoever. like come on weyh. why don't you just invent for good; it's always about the human. always.

and now that the system runs automatically, i am the one who's dissapointed. see, tech also is a reason why my mood's in grey lately. i'm worried ok. worried.

mark zuckerberg isn't counted. at least i could post silly status to express how pathetic the tech is when it goes haywire. and of course you don't insult him, won't you?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

girl's talk : the guy thingy

Morning madness isn’t happen for me lately as i don’t have to rush to classes or hop to another destination for other things. Just blogwalking, listen to morning kuliah;santapan rohani would enlighten my days. Lepastu teringat pasal colleagues, buddies from high schools, cousins and the list goes on. Bila teringat pasal high school-ers ni, i remembered this one chinese guy, happened to be the guy from the other class; next door to mine. At first when we chatted, like usual lah kan. Exchanged greeting and updating about the courses, what’s on the school as well as the hooked ups then. Then then then the topic became the lame one. Couple. Entah kenapa aku memang tak suka bila borak dengan member (ex school-ers esp)cakap pasal couple. The worse is that asking whether you’re single and could he be your bf. Like what? I don’t know you before. It’s only now that you noticed me. Aku takdelah perasan hot ke ape kan. Tapi we never converse like bff in high school, and i didn’t get along with your gossips. 

Sometimes i never understand guys. Or i’d rather be don’t. They judge ladies based on their appearances. Bila ok sikit baru nak approach. I can never doubt that you have to look presentable and not selekeh. But presentable here doesn’t mean that we want ourselves to look cheap and approachable. Aku tak tawu lah perempuan lain macam mane kan. But then it really annoys me in the sense that guys rasa bangga (kot) bila jalan dengan awek cun. Kadang-kadang rasa memang nak gelak jek. Taste nak up. Tapi muhasabah diri jugak la der. They want good looking girls, with brain. But they themselves don’t meet that criteria.  I don’t insult guys based on their look. I’m looking for better personality. Tak pun bila once they have gf, they want them to look prettier. Macam you dress up this style lah, pakai macam ni lah, get this hairstyle lah, whatsoever. When we love a person, you have to accept for whom your partner is. Don’t condemn them. Don’t control your partner excessively macam takde ruang nak bernafas. She’s your partner. Remember that she’s also another human with feelings too. NOT another dead walking checklist made by you. If that so, it’s better for you to create your own dream girl rather than torture the soft hearted creature like us. Ye lah maybe some will say that eleh perempuan pun sama jek nak laki handsome tapi perangai keji gila. Yang spesies macamni memang sama lah macam korang yang fikir macamtu. But trust me, most of us would definitely prefer the guy with good brain and well mannered. Yang setia bukan yang buaya. Yang sayang kita sebab diri kita bukannya sebab luaran saja.


Semuanya pasal being fussy.

I consider myself as being fussy too. Tapi bukannya fussy sebab rupa ke apa. Sebab perangai je. My dad once said, look for a guy who never leaves his solat and better to be the non-smoker. I don’t ask for them to triple their amalan (if that’s so, better lah), but enough with these two criteria. Itu pun dikira cerewet terok eh? Takpelah. Or i remembered some people said to me, your partner reflects your own personality. Ke aku ni yang tak cukup baik? Perangai buruk ke? But then when i think back, kalau smue macam tu, takde lah kan orang jahat nak jadi baik.

After all, it depends on us. People change too. Cuma kadang-kadang kita perlu tanya diri, kuat ke nak terima semua dugaan. Can our partner accept us for who we are? Bila kita buruk sket ada tak dorang rasa macam nak tinggalkan kita? Hm. Let’s think.

khusyuk ke?

i heard a kuliah this morning at tv9. there were some discussions about khusyuk in solat. like when i heard about it, i'm starting to think of myself. solat yang sempurna akan menghindari diri dari melakukan maksiat. if your solat is out, so as well your other amalan. idk how they are measured; Allah knows it. tapi seriously memang i was thinking that kadang-kadang my solat is somehow just an action; no deep impact on inner spirit. agaknye sebab tu kot aku keep on doing sin. certain orang cakap standard la kan buat dosa, nanti bertaubat lah. tapi boleh sure ke Allah nak ampunkan semua dosa kita kan. a lot of our actions resemble what we do and what we utter in our solat. you can actually see it; perhaps. tulah when we grow older (plus being a teacher lagi), takkan lah nak mencarut jeee kan. 

people somehow doubt why sometimes orang yang tak solat dapat semua. muka cantik, rambut lawa, pandai, kaya, semua lah. kadang-kadang aku pun fikir macamtu. aku ni dahla tak seberapa, dean's list pun tak. bla bla bla. but..... semua tu cuma dugaan. He wants to see how was your strength to still keeping faith to Him.

baru aku sedar aku ni kufur nikmat.

one way to improve solat : gain more knowledge. insyaAllah He will guide you there.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you have them or the amount of time since you've talked. it's about that very moment when you're doing something and you wish that they were right there with you.

facebook quote.

Monday, January 24, 2011

age is just a number

after the briefing (the day after that), we ;azean,shikin & faziela decided to go to petrosains. yeah memang we all dah tau dah mesti ramai yang gelak punye kan. macam takde tempat lain nak pegi. tapi entah. we just got excited to go there. hahaha. ala ala rombongan cuti sekolah gitu. ehem we just went there with alasan yang dulu2 pergi sana masa kecik, so tak ingat apape. && that this is a part of the activities that we had planned to do before flying overseas. nampak tak betapa bermatlamatnya kami ini? nampak2? ;DD i guess that we didn't; or not really realize that we're 21 ok. twenty-one. no more 'teen' at the front. tapi kan kan kan maybe because our attire and faces that make people sometimes mistaken us with our real age. hahaha. like the guy at the counter who gave us discounts for students. and that we even joined the workshop for kids; with kids' stuffs. ecstatic!

age is really a number though.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

puduraya was then, now they call it TBS.

traveling by bus is my thing. cuma yang xtahannye the pain of the neck and the knee. duduk berjam-jam dalam bas memang lenguh-lenguh. macam nak teleng kepala pun ada jugak. from form 4 until now, i've been going back by bus. be it from negeri sembilan; bahau, seremban, downright to segamat and jb; or jb to sg petani. macam-macam jadi. & seriously the station should need some changes. like this one.

the ticket counter : it was so confusing at first. pheww. but then it was easy actually. you can go to any counter to show your tix. or when you don't have one,or about to purchase it, the officer will help you. the system is updated.you can choose your ticket like you're purchasing ones for the movie. the screen touch thingy is really useful. you got to choose your bus first, then the time, then the seat. oh ya. you've to present your ic upon purchasing it. oh sangat leceh lah bila fikir kan. but then after Q&A with the officer, it's actually for the security purpose. to ensure the record, in case anything happen. ok takpelah kannnnn.

the board : sooo airport-ish. padahla bus station jek. haha. maybe they wanted to standardize it. like kl central.

arrival platform : seee so canggih as to compared to puduraya then. aku yang termalu sendiri bila turun bas ada orang greet 'welcome'. alah tak ramai boleh la cube kalau dah banyak bas kat sini. confirm takde sape greet ala-ala dekat airport tu. but then it's quite teratur. turun dari bus then take the escalator to the arrival hall yang sejuk tuuu.

schedule board : this is quite a challenge for me to read and understand this. haha. the schedule keeps on changing that you have to have sharp eyes to get your gate for departure (like i did, luckily with some help from friends -__-  ). imagine that during that time only 8 bus companies punye schedule. kalau dah puluh? kalau dah ratus2? ha.

scenery : the bus terminal is located next to klia express and KTM komuter. it's quite convenient for people to go to other places once they arrive at the terminal. no need to worry.

e-ticket booth : i didn't try this one as i bought the ticket at the counter already. maybe it works like at the counter. but no person in charge of course. i'm quite scared to purchase anything by myself like this. the only thing that i'm confident with this system is online shopping. tu je. hehe.

though the terminal has been operating since early january, there's still few shops and few people. maybe soon that people will start realizing the existence of it. i heard that the rate is slightly higher. but then, why not for the comfort like this? maybe at first people complain on the difficulty of the procedures, but i hope that soon they will be grateful with it.

this entry was not made to criticize on how the current system works. it's just a bit of my opinion upon seeing changes in this country. every single thing has its pros and cons. and it depends on how you digest it.ayat essay.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

when sorrow hit you out of nowhere

i'm sensitive person & i don't care people think of me when i cry. even if i just sit and do nothing, when i think of something, i can cry. like today, when i was home alone. i thought that what i've planned could just happened without anything. and guess what, i'm all alone. and i'm sad. and there's no car left. BILA CAKAP DENGAN ORANG LAIN PUN SAMA JEK. TAK FAHAM. and that's why i like to keep it to myself. but until when? luckily there was dad, went home from the shop. ohh sampai satu tahap yang sedih tu boleh nangis teresak-esak lah. i couldn't utter a word. guess that tears were the only companion. i know that i could rely on dad. like he understood what i felt. and said that 'let's go and buy your laptop in the afternoon'.

that's why i love dad so much.

i just know that he understands me more that anyone else. we don't have to talk much to make him understands what i feel. just a few words & it really means a lot to me. i remembered when i failed my add maths paper for the first time with demotivated feeling. he was the first person i talked to with sobs. and just few words that i felt calm. and i managed to stand tall like everyone else today. how time flies.

i don't know if this is a part of pre-departure syndrom. i'm just hoping that i don't fall into any regret when i'm away. haish. memang emotional. kan kan.


Allah knows how much i feel. and just now, Khawarizmi (cousin of 4y/o) came. Alhamdulillah. thank you Allah for making me feel better. 

& now i can smile again.

i'm changing the font color to normal black.

i dont know why.
i hope you keep on reading.

Friday, January 21, 2011

february farewell soon

i just came back from kl; briefing for pre-departure to new zealand. it's almost to the end of january. i just wish for time to freeze so that i can enjoy every single second of me staying in malaysia. so, we got the flight date, with few transits. kl-sydney-auckland-wellington. we got excited at first, as this is our opportunity to study oversea and travel as well. tapi kannnn, so sad ohhh when i put on the lounge suit. it's a sign that i should've, or had prepared myself to stand on my own. number 21 really got my nerves on. but being away from family is just a huge challenge. trust me, if you don't cry, then you just another cold-hearted robot. it's okay though.


petrosains & new bus terminal for new updates. soon.
love, :))

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

retarded one.

i couldn't imagine on how much i wanted to wear spectacles when i was young. i did everything; like saying that i couldn't see clearly during the lesson, staring at the sun (soo es stupidos), & even cried just to own the specs. the person who worn that was considered as a stylish person. during that time. kenapalah aku lame sangat masa kecik2. -__-'' now that when i had this conversation with my dad and little sister, i somehow could feel that my sister felt the same way, like i did before. the feeling of being 'wow'-ed by friends when they see you with specs. the honest answer came from my dad; claiming that a person who wears specs is actually a disabled person- that most people don't see it. it is somehow a high fashion disability; where you can have your support at the malls instead of hospitals. you could choose whatever colour, or style that you want. not like the dull and boring wheelchair that comes in silver colour. no pink or purple colour with fine leather. no no no. the sense of being glorious when one wears specs fades in time. now that you're no more kids, you feel like cursing on hell that you aren't supposed to wear specs now. macam bila makan makanan panas then suddenly the wap covers the lens. like what the heck. sekarang bila pakai specs semua most people say that i look older with it. 

sedih kan. hm.

i'm waiting for brand new specs which i'll be receiving it next week. black frame.maybe look okay on me. maybe.but cursing on the power. increasing. see. that's why i hate to do the check up.

let's eat carrots for snacks from now on.

Friday, January 7, 2011

a good bridesmaid guide perhaps?


sister : eh kau jadilah pengapit masa wedding kak bibah.
me : kenapa tak suruh along jek?
sister : along taknak.
me : dah kenapa?
sister : dia cakap dia pendek. pengapit kena tinggi baru cantik.
me : what the fish u talking?? hahaha.

i mean like seriously who put up the criteria for being bridesmaid? anyone can be kan. sepatutnya. and that my sisters just came out with their theory; saying that a bridesmaid should be tall, is hilarious. wedding is about the bride's day. not you bridesmaid. hahaha. unless the bridesmaid tries to steal the limelight, with a hope that someone would notice her. and then they got married happily the next year. ok sounds like fairytale. or cliche. but i can't stop imagining silly things like that.  bahahaha.

how does it feel to be a bridesmaid? i never been in that shoe. for a life. tapi macam best je kan. kan kan?

Thursday, January 6, 2011


i don't have any plan for this week. or next week. nak update blog pun macam takde cerita. & i am darn lazy to take photos on whatever event in this house. or outside the house. salah satu sebab kenapa blog ni takde banyak gambar. maybe i should pick up on small small things that can be interesting and fun to be read by you. and that's the problem. i look upon things with just one eye only; half-heartedly. so where is my passion for writing? where? hm.

now that home is a lavish place for food, i just have to think of what to eat. rather than when to eat. suddenly miss sambal kentang at maktab. oh cuma rindu makanan dan orang saja. dan bilik b217. 

of course bukan the rules and pak guard. hesh2. 

semoga ayah cepat sembuh & balik rumah cepat. amin..

Saturday, January 1, 2011


after much sweats and traveling to few shops *ceyhceyh* i finally managed to own a celcom number! hahahaha. ok memang lame sangat. i switched bought the number due to some friends yang xpenah2 nak stop tanye eh kau ni xde num celcom ke; eyh mahal lah nak col maxis; or apesal kau pakai maxis ni kan dah ramai pakai celcom. ok fine. i finally got the message. with the hope that i would get the pretty number, i went to celcom centre. first time masuk mcm excited jek sebab xpnah pegi centre dekat jb jek. hahahaha *dush* when my turn was up, i just handed in the form (dalam hati bagilah number santek2 ok). but but but but....... the celcom guy told me that only 1 number left for UOX. the rest is SOX. dia tanya nak pergi cari number lain tak. azean cakap eh takpe cik saya dah malas nak pergi jelajah cari number; last2 nanti diorang suruh pergi celcom centre jugak. ok dah senyum saje. grab je that number lepastu balik.

incident of the day; i went to jusco right after the celcom centre. with my sis & her friend. & we're like some dead moving traffic lights walking in straight line, making way to baskin robbin. red yellow green. lol~ 

number tak lawa. macam tuan dia. ;p (sape cakap ni? sape?) T__T

oh oh the package comes with brand new samsung hp, borrowed from dad. sorilah ye you alls aku xreti lagi, or pro lagi gune hp samsung. even tak macam blackeberry, or maybe sebab tak macam tu kot- aku tak jumpe pun smiley ikon. ke memang takde? tsk tsk. there goes the text looks dull with no expression -__-''' sekarang kena buat smiley dengan manual.

i'm going to terminate my maxis number soon. or ignore it until it is self-expired. so buzz me girls & i'll let you know my celcom number. tq!

new ride

26 Muharram 1432 Hijrah
the date is pretty.

i reckon that there are. or were soo many things that i had listed for last year.it happened only yesterday that the 'last year' had just met the end. i'm still thinking of what i expect for this year. memang xproactive langsung -___- the first day of 2011 is welcomed by the flu. and i just hate it how i can barely able to breath. ughh. xpe xpe. 2011 means that i'm turning 21. that people might say that it's the year of freedom. freed from your parents. yeah umm i like the idea. but at the same time i'm just afraid to discover the world without being soo dependent to my parents. but but that'll be fine. we should start the new year with positive spirit! embark the journey with confident! hahaha. oh btw helo new zealand & bye bye malaysia soon.

there's too many lists on my mind. & some of them are personal that i don't want to expose it. nanti xjadi buat malu jek.kikikiki ;p

 may joy & laughter spread throughout the year
may toughness stay still in the heart
may ukhuwah is stronger with no boundaries

happy new year everyone!