'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

i've always wanted to have you around

a dedication to a person that i love across the ocean;

right now i really miss people in malaysia. especially my mum. y'know, she used to console me and pray hard for her beloved daughters. even if we didn't do the house chores, she's still can be patient. like when we're asleep during the weekend, she never nag like much. things that she did to wake us up; switch on the light and switch off the fan. just for us to get up. sometimes i feel guilty when she's exhausted that she fainted several times. god knows how much it freaked me out. and always that i burst into tears seeing my mum that way. i know that somehow she's tired because of workloads at school too. leaving home as early as half past 6 in the morning & return home at least after 3 every working day. yet she's very determine and passionate to be a dedicated teacher. i always envy her spirit to be such a good educator though she went through rough times quite a lot. 

when we have this female talk, she always advises us to have firm stand in life. don't let men ruin your life. always have pride and stand for yourself. don't let others downgrade you for who you are. the kind of conversation that touches my heart even more when i'm far away from her. seeing much joy on her face makes me feel guilty if i did something wrong. and how much she's enjoying her time while all her daughters are around, you can never tell. having breakfast together after kuliah subuh at the mosque, or lunch together even with the simplest dishes like fried soy bean chips and only vegetable soup. that we always ask to have more dishes, she tries her best spending some time to cook. i always complain to her that there's always leftover rice everyday that she needs to cut down the amount of rice to cook. mum knows best for her children that she just wanted to ensure that no one's hungry at night. how priceless a mum's love. 

and that today is her birthday, i just want her to stay happy, healthy and being blessed by Allah always. nothing much that i can ask for but having a mother who support me always. selamat hari jadi ibu. semoga Allah merahmati keluarga kita selalu.

"Ya Allah, anugerahkanlah aku ilham untuk tetap mensyukuri nikmatMu yang telah Engkau anugerahkan kepadaku dan kepada kedua orang tuaku dan agar aku mengerjakan kebajikan yang Engkau redhai; dan masukkanlah aku dengan rahmatMu ke dalam golongan hamba-hambaMu yang soleh."


Fatin Aliyya said...

sgt touching.slmht hari lahir ibu yan

Najihah Rahman said...

doa yang terbaik untuk ibu Yan, happy birthday aunty!

miss noera said...

thanks guys. semoga ibu-ibu kita dirahmati selalu jua~