'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Saturday, March 5, 2011

strange, isn't it?

waking up in the morning & sat on the bed for a few minutes. that's what i did when i dreamed of something that's ; usual but happened quite several times. & that i always ponder how is that related to my recent daily routines, or what's in my head. but none of them are. like seriously, i'm curious to know what's my dream meant to me. not like alice (in wonderland) who had same dreams since she was young. but mine was like; you still have the same intention (in that dream) but in different setting. or is it just me who planted that idea in my mind that it tend to be repeated when i was fall asleep? *noted that it's not like in inception's movie. 

em. but it's not weird. justttt a bit freak to know what the dream means. internet's certainly not a reliable source as this is more to meta-cognitive thingy than facts that people create; simply like most in wikipaedia.

the dream : i felt myself patting baby's back, hug & talk to him/her, and walk him/her around. 

so, anyone?

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