'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Saturday, March 12, 2011

the 8.9 richter scale effect : tsunami

google homepage.click. 

nak jugak list nz as the first few countries to be affected by the strong quake that hit japan. like what. ingatkan after there's no alert about quakes, then everything will be fine. but yeah, still, just don't be so unconscious in your sleep. bila start autumn dah lapar camni. sebab tu lah pegi makan the last biscuit from malaysia : chipsmore. tahu takkkk biskut tu untuk emergency case?? in case ade apape boleh jek terus grab emergency bag then go. tapiiiiiii aku ni dah pergi geledah balik beg tu sebab nak cari biskut ---->kelaparan && sebab malas nak turun dapur sebab rumah ni 4tingkat & dapur bawah sekali. -__-  memang dasar lapar tu dah tak kira ape dah. memang dah tak rupe emergency bag sebab fail dokumen pun asyik keluar masuk bag je. pasport pun sama. lepastu seluar jeans spare pun dah pakai dah harini. ni esok lusa tak tahulah apebenda pulak azean ni nak geledah kat beg tu -.-''''

ok tsunami alert. though welly's a bit tersorok from the big ocean, but then still counted as near the shore. bay and so on. maybe boleh kemas balik emergency bag? maybe boleh restock chipsmore yang dah habis makan tu dengan bluebird chips? & some whittakers bars? em.

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