'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Monday, March 7, 2011

reignite the passion

i fell in love with books since i was a kid. reading scriptures actually give me a sense of relaxing nerves but to jam up your mind with the story. teeheehee. i don't mind. i get lost in my world, nobody's going to interrupt, & just enjoy the ride. i hardly finish reading a book within a week. that's for the heavy themes like family, cross culture, dilemma  etc. *i didn't finish reading eat, pray, love that i wanted to continue reading it so badly. sisters in malaysia, mind posting the novel to nz?* hm. for chick flick? snap it & i'll be done reading it for few days.haha. but yeah that's how i seek pleasure in light readings. for academic stuff, i seriously need to pay attention to it. like reading just a paragraph of teaching thingy, you'll see me with drooling eyes; or yet, dead on the table. && i only started revising for about 10 minutes. -_____-'''' *serious cure needed*

& because of the books; i walked down to the town, with freezing cold atmosphere and chilly wind, just to have a look at books at borders. it's a sad news that they're about to close the stores in wellington due to the decrease quantity of people buying books from them. & that an academic staff said that (as being told to a friend) it's a trend for the kiwis to lend books from the library than purchasing one from the bookstore. plus they've got e-books & having the idea of going green (e-book means less printed pages. less printed pages means less trees to be cut for paper production). yeahh i can see that the resources are plenty. even the uni's library has tonnes of books that they're sorted out in 9 different levels. now, let's see malaysia. ermm. perhaps we should buckle up and read some more. emm. 

back to the bookstore.

there were even further marked down prices that i wanted to grab more books. *excuse me miss your purse doesn't thick enough to indicate that you've got much money here. -.-  but but it's extremely cheap. even you've converted the currency to malaysian ringgit. like purchase one and it's 10NZD. purchase 3 and woahh 20NZD only. isn't it a wise bargain?

the love of my life by louise douglas - 8NZD
the consequence of love by sulaiman addonia - 5NZD
*mind you this is not typical love story that you gain nothing from it.*

haven for book lovers.
come grab some before they're closing.

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