'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

pillar of a muslim

recently got marks for Linguistics test. umm not that impressive. somehow it's just doomed me some more that i refuse to further explore what's inside the subject. plus with coursemates who got higher marks, all i wanted to do was just kept the questions and let it be. but hey, i've just checked out some good vids. perhaps that it'll motivate me to excel better in future as well as hereafter.


be productive!


Monday, March 28, 2011

these streets

these streets have much to do with people's lifestyle. say it about event, garage sales, gigs or anything that you want public to notice, write it down the lane. such impressive ads. it's another option of putting flyers on the lamp posts along the road. you'll see more in wellington. how i wonder where the heck they've the idea of doing this.perhaps a passed down culture. though it's just ads that we tend to step onto, it'll stand out even in the crowd. with bright colored chalks, catchy words, you'll definitely follow the trail. red colored chalk, bold words, arrows.yeah.

when one dissapears, another one will take place.none will stay longer.

just like us.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

i've always wanted to have you around

a dedication to a person that i love across the ocean;

right now i really miss people in malaysia. especially my mum. y'know, she used to console me and pray hard for her beloved daughters. even if we didn't do the house chores, she's still can be patient. like when we're asleep during the weekend, she never nag like much. things that she did to wake us up; switch on the light and switch off the fan. just for us to get up. sometimes i feel guilty when she's exhausted that she fainted several times. god knows how much it freaked me out. and always that i burst into tears seeing my mum that way. i know that somehow she's tired because of workloads at school too. leaving home as early as half past 6 in the morning & return home at least after 3 every working day. yet she's very determine and passionate to be a dedicated teacher. i always envy her spirit to be such a good educator though she went through rough times quite a lot. 

when we have this female talk, she always advises us to have firm stand in life. don't let men ruin your life. always have pride and stand for yourself. don't let others downgrade you for who you are. the kind of conversation that touches my heart even more when i'm far away from her. seeing much joy on her face makes me feel guilty if i did something wrong. and how much she's enjoying her time while all her daughters are around, you can never tell. having breakfast together after kuliah subuh at the mosque, or lunch together even with the simplest dishes like fried soy bean chips and only vegetable soup. that we always ask to have more dishes, she tries her best spending some time to cook. i always complain to her that there's always leftover rice everyday that she needs to cut down the amount of rice to cook. mum knows best for her children that she just wanted to ensure that no one's hungry at night. how priceless a mum's love. 

and that today is her birthday, i just want her to stay happy, healthy and being blessed by Allah always. nothing much that i can ask for but having a mother who support me always. selamat hari jadi ibu. semoga Allah merahmati keluarga kita selalu.

"Ya Allah, anugerahkanlah aku ilham untuk tetap mensyukuri nikmatMu yang telah Engkau anugerahkan kepadaku dan kepada kedua orang tuaku dan agar aku mengerjakan kebajikan yang Engkau redhai; dan masukkanlah aku dengan rahmatMu ke dalam golongan hamba-hambaMu yang soleh."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

kitchen inventory

house of warm people

i reckon this is a so-called-tough job as we've to count kitchen utensils in this house. with low level of kitchen utensil's knowledge, it's a chaos in the kitchen as these girlss (we are) had confusion which one was which one. -__-''''

 frying pan; sauce pan. errr can't you tell the difference? because we don't know.
the blue bottle is dishwasher's washing powder. since that we rarely use the dishwasher to wash the cutleries, plates etc (rasenya tak pernah), we took the powder & umm turn it into dishwashing paste (just that once. tu pun sebab we ran out of dishwashing liquids). bajet je konon boleh basuh pinggan macam sunlight. jangan terpedaya dengan yang ini kerana ia direka untuk dishwasher, bukan basuh pinggan manual; so takde sabun. hampeh btol

the top rack's for mugs, plates, glasses.
bottom one; chopping boards. got plenty here ;D

 so does the knives. this is the most interesting part of all the counting sessions.
why? BECAUSE WE CAN'T DISTINGUISH THE CARVING KNIFE, CHOPPING ONE OR WHATSOEVER *selama ni main hentam je potong bawang ke daging ke cincang2 ke dengan mane2 pisau. so yeah. again. we need to attend utensil class. -___-

 notice the boxes. of rice cookers. we're asians so we eat rice a lot. makan roti memang tak kenyang. eh tapi makan nasi lepastu makan roti lepastu makan lagi macam mane nak claim kenyang kalau sebegitu rupa??

 others as well.

nampak takkk betapa semangat nak tahu kitchen knife tu kejadah hape sampai sanggup nih bawak laptop dan ye mari kita google di internet. *list barang2 dekat sebelah

so yeah ladies, we should acquire the utensil knowledge. who knows kan mak mertua tanya nanti lepastu segan sendiri tak reti jawab. harap je belajar oversea tapi bab tahu menahu pasal alatan memasak macam asdfghjkl.

Friday, March 18, 2011

even if i'm broke i don't hesitate to buy one

this one's like famous amos back in malaysia. just that it's the country's own. think that i start to love soft cookies even more. feels like eating it everyday like the staple food. the smell welcomes you to try one. and just one bite, you'll.definitely.love.it. *sebenarnya aku je -.-''

lambton quay, wellington, new zealand.

i go craaaazaayyyyy over this one!!!
choc chew tastes like heaven 

it's more to fill the night crave y'know. that i'm scared to look at the scale right now. plus, the weather makes you feel hungry for trillion times that you can't just count it. if there's no cookies, we i go for choc bars. or potato chips. or apple. banana perhaps. such an unhealthy way to live but i just can't stop that. mom says that living overseas can lead you to healthy diet since not much options of halal food. like fast food franchise, they're already marked as non halal stuffs that i perhaps can be slimmer due to absence of fast food. but your dearest daughter doesn't find that as a threat. BUT THE CHOCS. haishhh.

see. choc bars. & cookie.

you tell me mom how am i gonna live like this. pardon me if i say that i'm broke because of the food craving.
like really.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

stretch your horizon. get that feeling.

0100 di bumi Allah. wellington, new zealand.

it's time for burning midnight oil. y'know it's hard to hit the keyboard to do academic writing that i prefer writing a piece of crap like this. teehehe. what a feeling tonight *forget you music's in the air*. having a continuous tiring student life sometimes make me don't even realise that it's actually a month, approximately, that i'm away from home.woahhh.

cut the crap. let's see how i'm running my life lately.

uni. free edited mag. flyers. live band. campaigns. lots of events happening around. *free stuff i loike. hehehe. & that i took a free copy of salient mag (vic's own), only to realise that what the author was saying was definitely true.having a student life means that you want to eat healthily; and cheap at the same time. it's not the end of month yet, but i'm feeling really broke (well minus the monthly saving plan). the thing is, what makes me broke more is the food purchasing. not to mention the choc bars i used to eat between the lecture's gap. sigh. it's difficult in the sense that you (as a muslim) to buy cheap products; with halal ingredients. it's you who have to decide whether you want it cheap or you want to eat as ibadat. you choose.but yeah you have to confront this dilemma when buying groceries. bila calculate all the stuffs, dah terlebih budget. u tell me siapa xtension kan?? still, we have to admit that it's just a test. a motivation; vice versa that i should cut the amount of food i'm eating right now.;p but then i don't care what the heck they gonna say about my food. it's not that lavish and we're not that rich to buy seafood every weekend. note that. ok now why i wrote this stuff? because i'm hungry.still. in the middle of night. my work can't just progress without food. T___T that's why i prefer to sleep early than starving at this moment. (ALIN's assignment restricted me to do so).

get that starving feeling. get to feel your stomach grumbling. 
get your snickers bars.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

the 8.9 richter scale effect : tsunami

google homepage.click. 

nak jugak list nz as the first few countries to be affected by the strong quake that hit japan. like what. ingatkan after there's no alert about quakes, then everything will be fine. but yeah, still, just don't be so unconscious in your sleep. bila start autumn dah lapar camni. sebab tu lah pegi makan the last biscuit from malaysia : chipsmore. tahu takkkk biskut tu untuk emergency case?? in case ade apape boleh jek terus grab emergency bag then go. tapiiiiiii aku ni dah pergi geledah balik beg tu sebab nak cari biskut ---->kelaparan && sebab malas nak turun dapur sebab rumah ni 4tingkat & dapur bawah sekali. -__-  memang dasar lapar tu dah tak kira ape dah. memang dah tak rupe emergency bag sebab fail dokumen pun asyik keluar masuk bag je. pasport pun sama. lepastu seluar jeans spare pun dah pakai dah harini. ni esok lusa tak tahulah apebenda pulak azean ni nak geledah kat beg tu -.-''''

ok tsunami alert. though welly's a bit tersorok from the big ocean, but then still counted as near the shore. bay and so on. maybe boleh kemas balik emergency bag? maybe boleh restock chipsmore yang dah habis makan tu dengan bluebird chips? & some whittakers bars? em.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

dear bakal suami,

saya harap awak bukan lelaki 
yang suka membuat perempuan sentiasa mengingati awak
lebih dari tuhannya sendiri.

kerana saya tahu
saya akan banyak menangis mengingati awak
dari menangis mengingati Allah


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

autumn addiction

insert the 2dollar coin
press the button
go get your chocolate
i contribute 2dollar to vending machine almost everyday
vending machine it the best invention for choc lovers like me.
it's also a destructive machine that persuades me to buy some more when i'm broke.
guess that i should put myself on the weight scale
just to give a teaser to my brain that i should stop eating junk food
& not being fat.


Monday, March 7, 2011

reignite the passion

i fell in love with books since i was a kid. reading scriptures actually give me a sense of relaxing nerves but to jam up your mind with the story. teeheehee. i don't mind. i get lost in my world, nobody's going to interrupt, & just enjoy the ride. i hardly finish reading a book within a week. that's for the heavy themes like family, cross culture, dilemma  etc. *i didn't finish reading eat, pray, love that i wanted to continue reading it so badly. sisters in malaysia, mind posting the novel to nz?* hm. for chick flick? snap it & i'll be done reading it for few days.haha. but yeah that's how i seek pleasure in light readings. for academic stuff, i seriously need to pay attention to it. like reading just a paragraph of teaching thingy, you'll see me with drooling eyes; or yet, dead on the table. && i only started revising for about 10 minutes. -_____-'''' *serious cure needed*

& because of the books; i walked down to the town, with freezing cold atmosphere and chilly wind, just to have a look at books at borders. it's a sad news that they're about to close the stores in wellington due to the decrease quantity of people buying books from them. & that an academic staff said that (as being told to a friend) it's a trend for the kiwis to lend books from the library than purchasing one from the bookstore. plus they've got e-books & having the idea of going green (e-book means less printed pages. less printed pages means less trees to be cut for paper production). yeahh i can see that the resources are plenty. even the uni's library has tonnes of books that they're sorted out in 9 different levels. now, let's see malaysia. ermm. perhaps we should buckle up and read some more. emm. 

back to the bookstore.

there were even further marked down prices that i wanted to grab more books. *excuse me miss your purse doesn't thick enough to indicate that you've got much money here. -.-  but but it's extremely cheap. even you've converted the currency to malaysian ringgit. like purchase one and it's 10NZD. purchase 3 and woahh 20NZD only. isn't it a wise bargain?

the love of my life by louise douglas - 8NZD
the consequence of love by sulaiman addonia - 5NZD
*mind you this is not typical love story that you gain nothing from it.*

haven for book lovers.
come grab some before they're closing.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

strange, isn't it?

waking up in the morning & sat on the bed for a few minutes. that's what i did when i dreamed of something that's ; usual but happened quite several times. & that i always ponder how is that related to my recent daily routines, or what's in my head. but none of them are. like seriously, i'm curious to know what's my dream meant to me. not like alice (in wonderland) who had same dreams since she was young. but mine was like; you still have the same intention (in that dream) but in different setting. or is it just me who planted that idea in my mind that it tend to be repeated when i was fall asleep? *noted that it's not like in inception's movie. 

em. but it's not weird. justttt a bit freak to know what the dream means. internet's certainly not a reliable source as this is more to meta-cognitive thingy than facts that people create; simply like most in wikipaedia.

the dream : i felt myself patting baby's back, hug & talk to him/her, and walk him/her around. 

so, anyone?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

it happened here : wellington

experiencing it for the first time was bad. quite a shake. nak baca for tomorrow's lecture terus tak jadi. tergamam sekejap. plus with the strong winds outside, i don't think that i can sleep well tonight. checking bag with important documents, then off to bed (cuak lagi sebenarnya).

ya Allah, lindungilah kami dari sebarang malapetaka. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

hiking & picnic

good morning wellingtonians! & goodnite malaysians. it's quite a morning. an incredible one as i woke up early today.teehehe *padahal semalam dah tertido awal kan lpastu xbace notes for ALIN lecture this morning. so haruslah bangun untuk membaca agar tidak blur di lecture di kemudian hari -____-  since class has started, it seems that my brain's a little bit rusty to just bump into academic reading in a sudden.yelakan cuti 3bulan weyh.tsk.

but but before the class has even started on monday, we managed to go jalan-jalan lagi on sunday. the feeling of tourist's still in you know.hahahaha. we went to mount kaukau, situated at khandallah park. *th names are i considered it as weird. maybe it's a maori thingy. so yeah. taking tranzmetro train. around 8NZD for return ticket. & for the sake of picnic -.-

 the railway station. soo harry potter-ish. with 9 3/4 platform ;p

 great view. before walking up to the hill.

we came across a family who sold cookies for quake victims. with christchurch written.
the kids were very energetic. haha *dah nama pun kids kan. but yeah. putting great effort for helping people is something that we should do.

 the peak. at last. after hour plus plus hiking. (even it's not so) & lots of taking break due to the low stamina of this writer -___-

can you see the wind turbine?

some view from the peak. subhanallah.

ni sebab ni lah we all suddenly felt so motivated to climd up the mount, having lunch. nasi ayam with fries and nuggets. fruit juice. and kiwi fruit. mind you that the wind blew stronger & i just couldn't enjoy the taste of nasi ayam so much. cold mannn. tapi mat saleh rilex je pakai short and singlet. aku ni pulak pakai sampai 3lapis. fine.

as we're not in big group, we always take turn to snap each other's pictures. & often that the kiwis help us to snap some photos so that there's no one left behind. thank you people! see. kan dah nampak habit suka ambik gambar. mane taknye satu hari a photo folder can be up to 300. such a number. && that we always read the map, memang nampak macam tourists yang dah lost jalan lah.haha.
