'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Thursday, December 8, 2011

overlooking it

kalau belajar kat oversea ni akan ade due jenis orang.
1. org yg menjaga agamanya kerana disana bnyk sgt godaan dan org ini akan sangat2 menghargai agamanya

2.org yg meletakkan agamanya di tempat kedua n jadi org yg lalai

you choose. 

running errand

the reason to stay still.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

am counting the days before leaving the hotel forever.
4 minggu tu lama

Monday, October 31, 2011

ingin mencari punca kerunsingan hati
di mana ya?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

sorrow like lately

i just feel like crying when i miss people. eh no. really cry. missing family so much that i need to put more strength for upcoming exam. haish. can sense the mood is falling down. to the very bottom. spiritual heal needed very soon. i just want to go through this exam. and that's it. btw. dear job, please be nice to me. or i just end up wishing everything goes well before i go to sleep. and that's just adding up my sorrow.

i don't know what i want right now.
there's travelling plan coming up.
yeah. not that excited.
let's see how am i feeling after the exam.


Monday, October 24, 2011

mungkin ini sekadar UJIAN untuk hatiku dan DUGAAN untuk jiwaku..



Bila kehadiranku MENGGANGGU hatinya,

tidak membawa KEBAIKAN padanya,

maka Kau pisahkanlah kami biarpun kami terluka..

Bila aku TIDAK LAYAK dan bukan yang terbaik untuknya..

maka Kau jauhkanlah aku darinya..

Bila bukan aku yang TERTULIS untuk melengkapkan separuh dari agamanya,

maka JARAKKAN kami agar tidak timbul rasa yang mengundang KECEWA…

source: facebook page

Friday, October 21, 2011

la tahzan ya sister


to my sister,

don't ever be sad for something that you'll get better in the future. don't be sad if nothing happens according to what you desired. don't be sad if you happen to let go of something. instead, be grateful for Allah will grant you something better in the future. be grateful for He wants to save your love for someone who worth the wait. i should be envy of you that you never fallen in love for anyone. that if you do, be grateful that only your husband could feel it. don't ever feel envious towards me. you never know what i've been through. Allah knows best. how i wish i could just purify my heart, giving it to someone whom i will obey and lead me to jannah. how i wish i never fallen in love with anyone.

jika kakak baca ni, ketahuilah bahawa saya tak bermaksud nak melukakan hati kakak. saya berharap yang terbaik untuk kakak. saya pun nak berubah. saya harap kakak maafkan saya.

manusia merancang dengan cita-cita. tetapi Allah merancang dengan cintaNya.
what the future will be, only He knows.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011



‎"Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old."


Never assume that someone likes you by their sweetness. Sometimes, you're just an option when they're bored. No kidding.

a reminder

Monday, October 10, 2011

kelapangan itu

Maka sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Maka apabila engkau telah selesai (daripada sesuatu urusan), tetaplah bekerja keras (untuk urusan yang lain). Dan hanya kepada Tuhanmulah engkau berharap.
                                                                                                al-Syarh: 5-8

kuat-kuat norazean.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

the spects one is sooo true.

tahu tak dah kesempitan masa?

ya Allah i've been loitering around doing nothing and watching movies. suddenly got a phone call saying that i've to work on friday, saturday, and sunday. listen. I HAVEN'T STARTED MY ALIN ASSIGNMENT YET. it's due on monday!! and i've got test on wednesday and thursday. can't it be any worse than this?? 


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

a sad one. lately

now i can see the relation between action and its consequences in behaviorism theory. i can apply that to my current condition right now. the fact that the association of hotel environment is always with pressure and sadness. going to work equal to sadness. bear that it's not the part where i'm being ungrateful. perhaps it's the part where one tries to fit into new environment. it's been awhile since september and i don't feel like i'm enjoying it. it's like the timing went wrong. maybe it's a rush. i don't know if it's a part of His plan for me. 

what makes it look like a ball of untangled mess:
i've got exam which falls on friday, the day that i supposed to work. i've got future travel plan which falls on early november, which the supervisor doesn't seem to like that. the result = being scolded. or else being bombarded by cynicism. like a lot. saying that i demanded for leave a lot. it's like my plan before i get this job. now i'm left guilty all the time. bad days. like always. 

the part where we share the problems weren't like what we feel.
saya hanya mahu menjadi hambaMu yang bersyukur...

dunia je semua ni...

bila sedih selalu end up tidur. before that had jokes with friends. but that didn't help. dear God, i beg you please show me the way...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

muchos gracias

sushi b for dinner
jzkk sister
syg awak

tide is high

iman has tide. ups and downs. i don't know what should i be worried of. i know i should worry about myself. but i worry about people too. i want them to understand what i understand. i want them to feel what i feel. i really really wish for that. i know that somehow i did sins that worse than people whom i know. forgive me.. i miss being in that circle. i want something to remind myself. i don't want to take things for granted. maybe it's too early to think such way for now. but i can foresee the future if this continues to happen.

saya hanya mampu untuk berdoa dan redha.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a trainee's view
at least 2 times in a week

Monday, September 26, 2011


i was like kind of busy, no no making myself busy for reasons that i'm not quite sure. no more lazy weekends, dozing off extra hours. only now that it's a regret for things that i never thought to be cherished. still, sharing problems with Him and His love letter. at some points, i'm just worried that i just thinking about duniawi than hereafter. i miss adik beradik usrah. i need charges. but.. with those timetables, it's just making me sad to even look after myself. a struggle to find sweet own time. free time equals to bed. and that's it. i'm hoping that all of these are worth the sacrifice.

shouldn't have writing on blog eh? mental blockage during the writing of ALIN 202 assignments.
speed up the time. or rewind it. memang ungrateful. kan?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

guilty pleasure

technically everyone's broke at this moment. including me. but um yeah. food. i resist to buy some fancy ones for about some times. and that i just couldn't control the drooling to get this sushis at town. guilty pleasure. that makes me happy. i want  moreeee~


Thursday, September 15, 2011



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

breakfast for today

lontong & kuah kacang
leftovers are a lot!
plus that we just did open house yesterday, everyone's tired & off to bed early
alhamdulillah there's still plenty of food.
though this is the first time that i celebrate eid without family, it's just feel like home
got two open house invitations today
alhamdulillah again

happy eid mubarak to all muslims in the world
let's pray for our brothers & sisters in palestine, somalia & other regions who are less fortunate

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

If you have approached the end of Ramadhan & you do not feel anything in your heart, keep knocking on the door of Allah. Keep knocking3x & Allah will answer 

-Wardina Safiyyah- 
I'm still searching. still. 

according to federation of islamic associations of NZ

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam
Assalaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu
I pray that by the Grace of Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, this note reaches you in the very best of health and highest of Islamic spirits.
As we are nearing towards the end of Ramadhan, it is will be soon time for us to sight the moon for Shawaal.
This year 29th Ramadhan corresponds with 29th August 2011 when the moon sighting is anticipated for the month of Shawwal. The new moon will be born on Monday, 29th August at 3:04 pm and will set a few minutes after the sunset. Our experience with sighting the new crescent suggests that the crescent will not be visible due to its size, position and proximity of setting time. In New Zealand, the new crescent of Shawaal is not likely to be visible even via using high quality telescopes or other optical instruments.
Based on all the astronomical information and our experience in this regard, we envisage completing 30 days of fasting and most likelycelebrating Eid ul Fitr on Wednesday, 31st August 2011. Any developments contrary to this will be announced as required.
link : fianz eid 2011 information 

ramadhan nearly ends
& the fact that my family celebrates eid mubarak 1st
 just make me even sadder

Friday, August 26, 2011


sometimes i just feel like a lone ranger
i just don't know how to mix with people
or whether i just refrain myself from any social contact
why eh?
kawan kata maybe sebab relationship kita dengan Allah
yelah. kot.
hanya Dia Yang Maha Mengetahui isi hati


from malaysia with love


1st layer

2nd layer

syukran family!

cohort 2 gathering

it's been awhile that we didn't gather together as a cohort. so, there's a day that everybody just drop by, having some meals and chat with each other like forever. i feel that's a good idea to have this gathering since we're far from malaysia. and no adults who can actually watch over us. hihi. biasalah, when it comes to food, everyone was overjoyed. typical malaysian culture. ;D

main menu for that day, if i was not mistaken was mi kari. and nasi impit with kuah kacang.
as you can see, there's also o lot of other dishes made by cohortmates.
kuih cek mek (camni ke eja?). kuih ketayap, cucur, cookies, agar2 etc.
see, we people have developed our cooking skills
haha ;p

food gathering is a must. i bet bila balik mesia nanti jamuan makan tak berenti

uni islamic centre

after a year that vic muslim requested uni for bigger space to pray, we're finally granted with a house that operates as a muslim student centre in VUW. it's a bit far from the campus, but it's worth the fight. uni rep said that it's hard to allocate this space as there's also demands from other groups as well. but alhamdulillah, we managed to get it. this is my first ramadhan as an oversea student. & having islamic centre for tarawikh and iftar event somehow made me feel grateful for this opportunity. 

ihya' ramadhan
first few events that were officiated at our new home

semoga kita semua mengimarahkan lagi islamic centre ini!

iftar with usrah siblings


we did have iftar together i think last week or so. i felt so happy that actually my siblings has increased! alhamdulillah. we had nasi kerabu cooked by cik najihah and other dishes as well. usually usrah gathering buat kat 91 kelburn parade (my house) or rumah kak mira. but this iftar, we gather at k.mira's house. actually masa usrah pun selalu je makan-makan. hehe.

weee. seronok iftar ramai2. terawikh sama2. i always look forward for usrah.
terima kasih semua!

birthday dinner

it's our birthday this month. that we couldn't afford more having lavish dinner at town, we decided to set up our own at home. it's actually shikin's idea to have private candle light dinner for birthday. hihi. *no candle though. hers was 2108 and mine 2308. so we chose the day that's between ours, 2208! 

menu :
chicken chop (+ salad, coleslaw, corn, rice)
mashed potato
fries, samosa, nuggets
custard and peach pudding
ultimate cheesecake made by rumate! ^^
fruit juice

table set up. restaurant look alike. kihkih ;p

presenting the food ;DD

what we've got on the plate.
*jangan tertipu dengan hanya satu nugget dan samosa. additional food ade je kat tepi tu

oreo cheesecake made by rumate! *clap3*
actually ade tulisan sweet 21 shikin & yan
tapi dah cair =(
so replace je dengan peach slice

gambar lagi.hihi

custard pudding made by rumate too =)

&&& a flower
my recent fb default picture

don't worry family. we're well fed here. given that i'm just too lazy to do like this everyday.

"semoga pertambahan usia ini membawa kepada pertambahan kebaikan. dan mati kami untuk merehatkan diri dari segala keburukan"


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1 message received...

RM0> Tidak sabar untuk pulang ke kampung Aidilfitri ini? Dapatkan Call Me Tones Balik Kampung- Sudirman sekarang. Dail *118*85722# & tekan CALL.

memang takboleh blah iklan raya sampai nz. aku tak balik kampung. so agak touching di situ. *tekup muka dengan bantal & nangis*.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

tongue twisted

i have this belief that i'll get satisfied in food when i get the balance of sweet and spicy. like when in a minute you want to eat chocolate and in another minute you search for tomato flavoured chips. haish. it's hard to find one. or in a situation where you've got plenty of sweet things. like cakes, chocs, but not the spicy ones. like kerepek tempe or mashed potato. tulah.

human can never been satisfied with what they've got.
*slapping hard on own face*

thank you people for your wishes.

another year of blessing

she's my roommate for 2 and a half year in ipsah
yet we're staying in separate room now, i still consider her as my roommate
my sister when my family's far away
may you are blessed more
hoping that this age will give you more benefits
& strength to be better muslimah

sanah helwah to nur ashikin maslan
my sister
sweet 21!

Once the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was asked, 
"What person can be the best friend?" "He who helps 
you remember Allah (SWT), and reminds you when you 
forget Him," the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), counseled.

Monday, August 15, 2011

monday blues

i don't know why i don't prefer mondays at first place. well yeah ppl might say that's just because you don't to get your system started back after two days break. well for me, i don't like it because that's the day that i have the lowest motivation level. slightly down the par. why? um i don't know how to speak my opinion right in the sociolinguistics tutorial. it's soo hard to get in line with those people who think critically about the content area. i was like, oh my, how am i going to survive until the end of the course.. T_T the pressure is everything. from presentation, taking part in discussion. and examination. it's fun to learn the language in social context. um yeah. well maybe i just need to speed up more. even more.

this is killing me.

hey, it's snowing outside! in wellington!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

this is like a spider web.
just don't know what to share.
think i've got few photos in my hp; sadly i don't have cable to transfer.
i'm not giving up yet.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

our bond

"dulu bila orang cakap pasal palestin, saudara islam, tak rasa apa pun. tapi bila duk kat oversea ni, kita boleh rasa sendiri. bila muslim lain bagi salam. boleh rasa tau."
"betul lah. bila satu benda tu takde, baru kita appreciate. macam kat sini, masjid dengan surau memang susah nak jumpa. bila yang ada ni dekat dengan rumah (uni islamic centre), kita make full use of it lah. cuba kat malaysia. surau maktab pun payah nak pergi." 

kat sini of course majoritinya yang bukan beragama islam. tapi memang rasa dekat islam tu dalam hati. sebab nampak muslim lain yang pakai tudung pun bagi salam. kadang-kadang kita kat malaysia pun selisih jalan nak masam muka pulak. apehal. memang betul lah kata member, bila kita dalam satu kelompok tu, kita tak rasa apa-apa.tapi, bila kita keluar dari kelompok tu, see it outside the ball, baru kita tahu macam mana parahnya keadaan umat islam sekarang. aku pun terkesan jugak sebenarnya. sebab dulu pun tak fikir sangat. hm. bila takde tempat solat yang selesa, makanan halal yang kat mana-mana, baru lah tersedar. 

kalau boleh rasa nak tarik je umat islam kat malaysia pergi oversea. tengok sendiri macam mana negara yang 'so-called' islam tu. maybe kita generasi terpilih untuk membangunkan balik negara kita sendiri. 

        Dalam masyarakat akhir zaman, Nabi s.a.w bersabda:
“Islam itu bermulanya asing, dan akan kembali sebagai asing, maka beruntung mereka yang ghuraba` (yang asing)”. Ditanya Nabi s.a.w: “Siapakah ghuraba`?”. Jawab baginda: “Serpihan dari kabilah”. (Riwayat al-Baghawi, sanad sahih).


Friday, August 5, 2011

moreh for tonight

5 minutes chocolate cake
i just substitute the cocoa powder with hot choc cadbury
alhamdulillah still taste good
*ramadhan mode*

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

pagi ini

“aku pernah tanya kenapa aku jumpa lelaki yang salah.sekarang aku rasa aku tahu kenapa.aku belum cukup baik.dan aku kena betulkan diri aku untuk dapat yang terbaik. Rasa cinta itu memang anugerah daripada Allah.tapi kita manusia ni lebih menghargai rasa cinta itu daripada Si Pemberi. Kakak sepupu aku pernah cakap bila kita couple susah nak kawal bukan…rindulah sayanglah then gaduh sampai emo seminggu.lepas itu mula nak pegang-pegang tangan, bergambar rapat-rapat…sebab tu,lebih baik mencegah daripada mengubati bukan…”
“so sekarang?”
“aku tengah berjuang.menjadi lebih baik.doakan.selangkah.dua langkah…aku sedang berlari.mendekati Pencipta…”
“hanya yang Halal.janji Allah itu pasti.”

mencari redha Nya.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

of the minis that made my day

this food craving will never stop. like this one. i'm longing to eat any kinds of doughnuts. soo overjoyed to find one at supermarket ;DD alhamdulillah. after reading the label & confident that there's no any syubhah ingredients, i just take it, pay and eat it. even the taste isn't as lavish and creamy like j.co or big apple donuts, i just being happy with it.

syukran ya Allah for this rezeki.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

my abi

Usia yang telah separuh abad. Yang menjadi ketua keluarga. Yang tidak jemu memberi nasihat. Mungkin waktu aku kecil, dia yang sering menegur dengan cara marah. Yang dengan cara itu aku dan kakak takut. Teringat waktu tadika dulu. Bila kakak tak datang tadika sebab sakit, aku pun taknak datang jugak. Yelah. Sebab kakak boleh je tak datang, so aku pun taknak lah datang. Memang kena marah teruk lah kan. Memang patut pun. -_- Bila ada adik, alhamdulillah dia tak buat perangai macam tu. Ayah pun dah tak suka marah-marah. mungkin dah penat. Dia lebih suka bercakap. Bila masing-masing dah besar, memang pendekatan lain lah. Kadang-kadang cakap serius. Kadang-kadang boleh je nak gelak-gelak. Ingat lagi bila ayah cakap dalam kereta. Nak kahwin tu bukan senang. Ayah bersyukur anak-anak ayah ni pakai tudung. Nak cari lelaki sekarang payah. Lagi-lagi yang tak tinggal solat dengan tak merokok. Aku rasa kakak pun rasa yang sama. Masing-masing terdiam. hm. Memang susah sebenarnya. Tapi.. yang buat hati lagi bersalah bila ayah kata anak-anak dia semua baik-baik. Bukanlah nak cakap aku ni tak baik, jahat ke apa. tapi bila buat sesuatu tu, kadang-kadang aku tak fikir pun pasal dorang. End up rasa bersalah. hm. Itu yang perlu diperbaiki. Yang bila dah besar semuanya dah jauh. Macam sekarang; dekat new zealand. Memang kadang-kadang tak tercakap sangat pun dengan ayah. Setakat webcam 5minit, cakap dekat hp 3minit apelah sangat.. Saya sayang ayah.

Lestari kasihmu tanpa batasan
Sempadan waktu yang memisahkan

Abadi digenggam ke hujung usia
Akhiran masa
Sentuhanmu amat bermakna

Semoga Allah memberikan kelapangan masa untuk berkumpul bersama-sama sebelum waktunya. selamat hari lahir yang ke-50 ayah. semoga keluarga ini lebih diberkati. doakan yang terbaik untuk angah.