it's been awhile that we didn't gather together as a cohort. so, there's a day that everybody just drop by, having some meals and chat with each other like forever. i feel that's a good idea to have this gathering since we're far from malaysia. and no adults who can actually watch over us. hihi. biasalah, when it comes to food, everyone was overjoyed. typical malaysian culture. ;D
main menu for that day, if i was not mistaken was mi kari. and nasi impit with kuah kacang.
as you can see, there's also o lot of other dishes made by cohortmates.
kuih cek mek (camni ke eja?). kuih ketayap, cucur, cookies, agar2 etc.
see, we people have developed our cooking skills
haha ;p
food gathering is a must. i bet bila balik mesia nanti jamuan makan tak berenti
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