'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Thursday, September 30, 2010

the girl your friends warned you about

stop being crybaby. teruk kan3. hmmm. so so so so after class, get back to room. doing some kind of therapy. sape2 rase dye loser xpayah bace. or or just sape2 yang ter'benci saya kan. saya mintak maaf sangat3. ok dah. rasa lega bila dah cakap. when it comes to sooth yourself, you need to pamper your mind, soul & body.

my therapy consists of:


500 days of summer.

 i love summer. & autumn too.
who needs perfection kan?

my sassy girl

 this version touched me more than the korean one.
just don't blame the girl. u get me.


or or or maybe;

pampering myself 
at hairstyle studio?

hair saloon.

how perfect is that?
pampering yourself instead of sobbing over something.

i am tired of crying.
dah ye.
hope all IS REALLY WELL.

ok let's just get right.
enjoy your weekend!
*noob giler bunyinya*

don't listen to what they say. they don't know me anyway. 


keep on laughing
and watch me fall
puas hati kan


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

chicken soup for soul 2

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

maintaining relationship can be said as harder than it seems to be. family, friends, loved one. i dare to say that not all of all are determined to do so. even with parents pun, you still have to deal with many things. considerations made sometimes may hurt other people.i know it's hard to satisfy people. even for me, the need to avoid any rivalry or jealousy sometimes take me to fall into tears. i might look okay and laugh like there's nothing else to worry in this world. trust me; you wouldn't want to know what is kept deep down inside.

like i said in my previous entry, when it comes to relationship, and when it reaches one year, my heart starts to tremble in fear. the fear of rejection. fear of breaking up. fear of being left alone. everything. i somehow admit that my words are harsh. sorry friends. sorry people. but i just couldn't let it crumpled in my head. for whatever reason i am saying, it seems that people misunderstand what i try to tell them, sometimes. i just don't want this to end. i am trying to accept imperfection that people possess. i know i'm not perfect too. but we can put effort to make it better right? 

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.

& thank you for being a part of my life, whether you are a reason, a season or a lifetime.
Please don't walk away.


chicken soup for soul

You don't have to be your mother unless she is who you want to be. you don't have to be your mother's mother, or your mother's mother's mother, or even your grandmother's mother on your father's side.
You may inherit their chins or their hips or their eyes, but your are not destined to become the women who came before you.
You are not destined to live their lives. so, if you inherit something, inherit their strength, their resilience. because the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.
                                                                                    - Pam Finger -

a good motivation though. don't let people change you coz you can just change for yourself. inherit the strength because it is the cruel world you have to face. 

i am nervous when it comes to one year relationship. and up until now i still find my way to sooth myself and not to be trapped in my own speculations. a kind of traumatic experience. please just let it lasts.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

september wishes

happy birthday uda, noraisah arjuna
&& happy birthday sweetheart; u know who you are 

to uda,
happy 16th birthday
may you be blessed always
study smart;
read a lot ;but not soo bookworm-ish; or else u'll be another social outcast.kehkeh
be a good sister (who'll always look for sisters)
take effort really hard for eternal happiness and hereafter.

love you guys

no photos for this entry due to the wifi speed. eh no. speed is likely to be like fast. i consider this one as s-l-o-w. plus, they don't like publicity. ceyh. haha

Saturday, September 18, 2010

poker face

i seriously don't give a damn on what you think of me
sorryla if rase xsenang
just say it straight to my face
sorry okeyh
mintak maaf banyak3
you can have it all
i mean it


Friday, September 17, 2010

high school oh.

"Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter... All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of you." - Cady Heron, Mean Girls-

name calling.
betrayed trust.

lessons for life.
that's what i missed the most

Thursday, September 9, 2010

last day of ramadhan 2010

mood: packing
destination: kg sg nibong

ok actually banyak nak crite but i didnt have ample time to do so (or in other words i just laze myself w/o doing nothing). the last day of ramadhan. umph. not that excited. cracking that assignments. heshh. mood spoiler betul. as for this year, we, the arjuna's family set up the purple theme for raya , which i didn't agree much as my closet's almost filled with purple-ish baju kurung, but that's fine. i mean. so here goes the story. raya raya and raya. until the last day before i go back to kedah. it's usually that way though i insist on doing my assignments. which i always ignore it until the very last minute. so procrastinative. -__-''. i don't look forward for anything. except food for this upcoming raya.hehe. including the $$$. actually i dont feel the mood of raya (agreed by my roomate). ntahla. maybe because we're getting older and things just get common each year. i dont feel the excitement of receiving kad raya as people are being tech savvy nowadays. at certain degree, i just hate tech. see what happen nowadays. people getting stuck on the idiot box, internet etc. haish. so meaningless. and at this point i realise that how we're being forced to go to relatives' houses those days and not just lie in front of the tv. not that exciting. i reckon.

i'm running out of time. need to get my way to village.

so, instead of watching tv, let's just lift your butt and visit your relatives. it means a lot.

selamat hari raya
maaf zahir dan batin
miss noera


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

short note

another 2 fasting days left
i have stories but i don't know where to start
i mean i don't want to blurb about assignments. -__-
am going back to meet atok soon
pray for everything to be good 
oh yes;
i miss you
& i don't know what to do.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

there's no place like home

i have this food craving when i'm away from home.
and it's even worse since it's fasting month.
but but when i managed to reach jb last friday, i had this oh-my-home feeling.haha.lame.ignore it.
after having the neck and leg cramp (due to long duration in the bus. -.-), i spent the first few hours sleeping.
&& evening at the bazar. *i like this part* 
and bought dishes that i couldn't find way back in kedah.

bubur lambuk. yah yah we can get one at other place. but still, i missed the one in jb.    

johor's speciality!

oh harap2 tak mengidam laksa johor bila dah balik kedah nanti. or or bile ade open house dan saya tiada di rumah.

dan dan dan dan dan yang ini;

asam pedas dish

*pictures are taken from google*

zommggg how i missed this one. tahu tak dah berape lame nk mkn tp xjumpe. or sbab malas nk pegi jalan2 dkat bazar. or sbab malas nk masak. tsk tsk tsk. 

sometimes we can just find food in other places. but then, how it is cooked and the combination doesn't work on my taste bud. or maybe somehow i am just too lazy to wander around the bazar to buy it. but still, it's different. like the murtabak, in kedah, it is loaded with eggs and veggies. but none in jb which is full with thick layers of beef, i reckon. or when the asam pedas in kedah, it is cooked in steamed style while in jb it's, just, different. or when i figured out that in kedah bubur lambuk is kind of kuih. but in jb it's just another rice porridge. i just couldn't agree more. and i just miss home soo much. 

p/s: i'm a food lover. though i don't eat a lot. and i am not being biased or racist or what. i still admire the place where i crack my head and study. and i love home still.
