mood: packing
destination: kg sg nibong
ok actually banyak nak crite but i didnt have ample time to do so (or in other words i just laze myself w/o doing nothing). the last day of ramadhan. umph. not that excited. cracking that assignments. heshh. mood spoiler betul. as for this year, we, the arjuna's family set up the purple theme for raya , which i didn't agree much as my closet's almost filled with purple-ish baju kurung, but that's fine. i mean. so here goes the story. raya raya and raya. until the last day before i go back to kedah. it's usually that way though i insist on doing my assignments. which i always ignore it until the very last minute. so procrastinative. -__-''. i don't look forward for anything. except food for this upcoming raya.hehe. including the $$$. actually i dont feel the mood of raya (agreed by my roomate). ntahla. maybe because we're getting older and things just get common each year. i dont feel the excitement of receiving kad raya as people are being tech savvy nowadays. at certain degree, i just hate tech. see what happen nowadays. people getting stuck on the idiot box, internet etc. haish. so meaningless. and at this point i realise that how we're being forced to go to relatives' houses those days and not just lie in front of the tv. not that exciting. i reckon.
i'm running out of time. need to get my way to village.
so, instead of watching tv, let's just lift your butt and visit your relatives. it means a lot.
selamat hari raya
maaf zahir dan batin
miss noera
:) .
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