catch the drama that is aired every monday, 9pm only on tv3!
haa. what do you expect of it. i fancy the satyrs? the actresses as well? or perhaps the drama? you're all mistaken. this is the mixed language entry. malay and english. heheh. sbenarnya xde kaitan pun drama ni dgn motif sbenar penulisan. except for the title. hehehehehehe. arjuna means satyr or lover. & it might be originated from the hindu civilization or the ancestors of java (which technically related to buddhism before ages). ceyhceyh dah mcm blaja ethnic relation jek. uh.ok. the real motive of writing this entry is that i want to make it clear that i don't simply put the word 'arjuna' at the back of my name. i dont fancy the oh-that-is-cool-to-pick-that-hot girls/guys' nickname-and-lets-put-it-anyway! huh.soooo not me. the only real thing that i bother about telling u guys about it is that 'arjuna' addresses my father's name. accentuated. it's quite bothering enough to explain for several times that i can't remember abt this matter. i sometimes giggle in silent as i know that it's quite bizarre for ppl to come across this 'arjuna' thingy in this new era. kan kan? how unique is that. having a dad with cool name. haha. no offense.
so the conclusion is ARJUNA is my father's name. and i tak saje2 letak just nk bagi nama i tu nampak fancy okeyh.
p/s: we're javanese. in fact that you just wonder where on earth that my late grandfather dig that name. and give it to my father. at least it sounds peculiar to malay people these days. slamat berbuka!
kann.. bukan saje2 letak -_-''
the name cool dude :)
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