'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Friday, August 13, 2010

relieve class.

"good morning, pupils"
"good morning, teacher"

*rase unbelievable kejap jadi ckgu. =D*

ceyh ceyh. entering Year One class was much more easier.in terms of handling the pupils; than entering Year Two classes. what a day. trainee taechers also have to relieve class. there's one class *particularly Year 2Alim* , i mean one student kept on saying "teacher, u crazy.haha". hadeh.sabar jelah berbakul2. but they were nice actually. they just love teasing new teachers. nsb bek lah school base experience ja. if praktikum, matilah aku.heh.

because my partner and I didn't plan anything for relieve class, we just did simple activity for Year One Alim. which was drawing. it was fun. hehe. seeing them drawing whatever they wished. dgn turbo car, rumah yang jalan mati, tembikai salah warna. eysh. pupils, pupils.. it makes sense actually. in their dreams. it's okay, as long as they could convince me why they did that. hehe. but there's one drawing that touched me. it's because practically my name was written on it. ceyh ceyh touching sket xpelah.hahaa. i kept your artwork okeyh, alissa. =)

alissa's artwork

not bad for the beginners. ignore the 'flipped' Z. it's a LINUS class after all. but hey, u guys made us happy!

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