'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Saturday, August 28, 2010

beetle is back!

august means a lot to me. a month where my birthdays happen. i just love it. except for one thing. it's a month where paddy is harvested. and explains why there's sooooo many tiny bugs hanging around. darn! i hate u charlie forever!!! ugh. (charlie is a bug. poisonous for it's fluid). && leaving me in pain for that.sakit bukan stakat cikai2 punye. tgk skali dah mcm kne dera jek.eh tak tak tak. heish. i never know how bad charlie is eversince i live. and i only realise it now. say heylo to antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory cream. T_T. how i hate meds so much. what makes it worse is that it happens to be at the back of my knees. (see. korang boley rase kan cemane rase sakitnye nauzubillah.).dahla because of that, i have to pray in sit situation. lepastu kaki kena angkat mase tido. tulah sekarang baru nak appreciate zaman2 sihat.tsk tsk. lepasni bolehla tido bselubung slimot sambil mulut mengomel2 panas. sbab nak menghalang charlie punye pasal. pathetic pathetic. 

but but there's one thing that i look forward. JB the hometown to be exact! weee. heart leaps sky high! am going home next thursday. thursday please come faster. xsabar nak abis assignment cepat. nak jumpe sibs, parents, friends. and raya(means duit raye.ekekeke). to cik azah, we'll do the shopping thingy later okies. approval has been given by mum. only need the approval from the big boss to grant the money to us.hehe.i sooo miss enjoying window shopping at the mall, steamboat at dataran, bazaar at uda and many more lah. to cik uda,ahda and neyna, there's something about mary for you guys! cepat2 baik dengan angah.haha.eyh assignment says helo. so farewell for now. till then. =)

this black-and-orange thingy ruined my day. eh no no. dayysssss. dah dah shooooossssshhhh away.


[z@ck] said...

bahaya tu..kalau gigit, boleh berparut badan

miss noera said...

cali bmaharajalela la k.zack. memang truk. T__T