'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Monday, October 31, 2011

ingin mencari punca kerunsingan hati
di mana ya?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

sorrow like lately

i just feel like crying when i miss people. eh no. really cry. missing family so much that i need to put more strength for upcoming exam. haish. can sense the mood is falling down. to the very bottom. spiritual heal needed very soon. i just want to go through this exam. and that's it. btw. dear job, please be nice to me. or i just end up wishing everything goes well before i go to sleep. and that's just adding up my sorrow.

i don't know what i want right now.
there's travelling plan coming up.
yeah. not that excited.
let's see how am i feeling after the exam.


Monday, October 24, 2011

mungkin ini sekadar UJIAN untuk hatiku dan DUGAAN untuk jiwaku..



Bila kehadiranku MENGGANGGU hatinya,

tidak membawa KEBAIKAN padanya,

maka Kau pisahkanlah kami biarpun kami terluka..

Bila aku TIDAK LAYAK dan bukan yang terbaik untuknya..

maka Kau jauhkanlah aku darinya..

Bila bukan aku yang TERTULIS untuk melengkapkan separuh dari agamanya,

maka JARAKKAN kami agar tidak timbul rasa yang mengundang KECEWA…

source: facebook page

Friday, October 21, 2011

la tahzan ya sister


to my sister,

don't ever be sad for something that you'll get better in the future. don't be sad if nothing happens according to what you desired. don't be sad if you happen to let go of something. instead, be grateful for Allah will grant you something better in the future. be grateful for He wants to save your love for someone who worth the wait. i should be envy of you that you never fallen in love for anyone. that if you do, be grateful that only your husband could feel it. don't ever feel envious towards me. you never know what i've been through. Allah knows best. how i wish i could just purify my heart, giving it to someone whom i will obey and lead me to jannah. how i wish i never fallen in love with anyone.

jika kakak baca ni, ketahuilah bahawa saya tak bermaksud nak melukakan hati kakak. saya berharap yang terbaik untuk kakak. saya pun nak berubah. saya harap kakak maafkan saya.

manusia merancang dengan cita-cita. tetapi Allah merancang dengan cintaNya.
what the future will be, only He knows.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011



‎"Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old."


Never assume that someone likes you by their sweetness. Sometimes, you're just an option when they're bored. No kidding.

a reminder

Monday, October 10, 2011

kelapangan itu

Maka sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Maka apabila engkau telah selesai (daripada sesuatu urusan), tetaplah bekerja keras (untuk urusan yang lain). Dan hanya kepada Tuhanmulah engkau berharap.
                                                                                                al-Syarh: 5-8

kuat-kuat norazean.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

the spects one is sooo true.

tahu tak dah kesempitan masa?

ya Allah i've been loitering around doing nothing and watching movies. suddenly got a phone call saying that i've to work on friday, saturday, and sunday. listen. I HAVEN'T STARTED MY ALIN ASSIGNMENT YET. it's due on monday!! and i've got test on wednesday and thursday. can't it be any worse than this?? 


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

a sad one. lately

now i can see the relation between action and its consequences in behaviorism theory. i can apply that to my current condition right now. the fact that the association of hotel environment is always with pressure and sadness. going to work equal to sadness. bear that it's not the part where i'm being ungrateful. perhaps it's the part where one tries to fit into new environment. it's been awhile since september and i don't feel like i'm enjoying it. it's like the timing went wrong. maybe it's a rush. i don't know if it's a part of His plan for me. 

what makes it look like a ball of untangled mess:
i've got exam which falls on friday, the day that i supposed to work. i've got future travel plan which falls on early november, which the supervisor doesn't seem to like that. the result = being scolded. or else being bombarded by cynicism. like a lot. saying that i demanded for leave a lot. it's like my plan before i get this job. now i'm left guilty all the time. bad days. like always. 

the part where we share the problems weren't like what we feel.
saya hanya mahu menjadi hambaMu yang bersyukur...

dunia je semua ni...

bila sedih selalu end up tidur. before that had jokes with friends. but that didn't help. dear God, i beg you please show me the way...