'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

it's way good to be chillax

aku memang ade satu habit ni yang aku memang gelabah. risau tak pasal kan. but then my friends always admit that i always look macam 'cool' lah kan padahal dalam hati tuhan jek yang tahu. like when it's about packing for home, exams or even simple thing like meeting fellas. this worry won't fade in time; unless it's me trying to buck up for myself. i don't confess to people on how i wear my smile to put down the worry. but best people always know how i feel. 

usually when i'm worried, i go to sleep. i love the fact that sleeping vanishes my worries for such a time. like when we're awake, we're hoping that the stuffs that lead to this discomfort feeling won't ever happen.it's frequent to have the wish like this. tapi selalunya memang tak. worry keeps coming. and coming. tak pernah hilang. it's always there. paling ok pun when there's event that i can forget it. only for that period. for longer time i don't know. it's way comforting for people to console and motivate me in any way that's possible. few pats on the back diminishes half of my worry already. that's why i heart my roommate. or we spend time together watching movies; with instant noodle and hot milo. a warm feeling gets through. 

now that it's already february. i won't comment on this much. i just take time to digest that it's worthless to worry on something that's actually off from your control. Allah akan bagi apa yang kita perlu, bukan apa yang kita kehendaki. memang frusfrated bila baru tahu. memang jodoh ke apa ntah aku tak tahu.  it's hard that i can barely give positive comment on it. comfort me please. comfort me.

if we love something, set it free. if it's going back to you, it's meant for you. if it doesn't return, it's never meant for you. -taken from yaya's fb-

wellington, don't give me such worry in future. i beg you please.


noted that i'm still worry about malaysians in egypt. how can the government chose to supply food instead of pulling them out from the country? it's riot man. takkan nak tunggu sampai perang baru nak take serious action?? come on najib. think something!

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