'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

wise words

people mark year 21 as the key to freedom. you're free to go anywhere
; traveling miles away from home.



thank you.

newtown, wellington.

new place

settling down in a country seems so hard at first place. quite a shock too. yelakan dahla sampai malam. around 12 smthng. when we stepped outside the airport-----ya Allah sejuknya like the air cons we have back in malaysia with the lowest degree possible. and today, the maximum temperature is 17'C. && can drop to 11'C like ohemji cold okay. adapting with the time might be okay. but dealing with the temperature is somehow a bit difficult. in malaysia, memang panas & bila ada angin kita memang rasa ohh sedap gile angin dia. happy not in welly. u feel like cursing when it's even sunny over here! sejukkkk. & th info that i've got from the people here (the kiwis), new zealand's ozone layer is thin. due to the large population of sheeps. who then love to fart. & produce gases. & what more. i've got myself sunburned so fast. & i don't have sunscreen with me -__-

it's better in malaysia. seriously (ayat macam nak homesick)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

rambut sama hitam, hati lain lain.

conversation at the kitchen. dialogs may vary from the actual one as i'm not that efficient to remember every bit of people's words. -.-'''

kay : i somehow felt amazed; (or better still inspired) by our tour guide. he's a brazilian you know. but then it seems that he's more like immoral person.
sis mimi : why is that so?
kay : he likes cursing. kejap kejap F. then S pulak.
us : (giggled) maybe itu dah cukup civilised kot bagi diorang.
kay : but i can tell from his dress up too. macam geli2 je tengok. but he speaks well though he's not a kiwi.
us : then?
kay : i ask him how he acquire that accent in just 2 years time.
(semua orang tengah amazed ni)
kay : but then he said. it's easy. a lot of party.
us : like what. 

aren't there better ways to acquire good english command instead of party? duhh. it maybe a shock because of cross culture thing. as in new zealand, things get very liberal and you can just do anything you want. tulah. have to be extra careful. with people pun.

from wellington with love

i've been away for quite some times. i know you don't miss me. ;p hehehe. it's okay. catching up with jetlag and different time zone makes me feel a bit tired. i'll update later. i just need some rest.

way long journey to go babe!

catch you later.

Monday, February 14, 2011

that you don't know what you've got till it's gone

i don't wanna give it all away.
treasure what you've got.

i grew up listening to these kinds of songs.
& lots of michelle branch.
90's always a pure sensation.

Friday, February 11, 2011

short tarbiyah for own self

you determine on what you're going to be.
like covering yourself. for good. 

agak sentap lah dengan the other khairul ni. but guess what. it really makes me think you know.

is it for fashion or for meeting up the standard of covering oneself according to islam?
sounds sensitive.

the part where he said the lilit-lilit thing (of course it's shawl kan), i kinda terasa. haha. no offense. yelahkan from the guy's view. we ladies don't know what's in their mind. but. good is i can say. memang nawaitu kena ubah. it's like sometimes lah kan we feel like we might want to look pretty a bit. but not in overly manner perhaps. tulah nak pakai gelang shawl kaler kaler sini sana. tapi bila takde mood memang pakai tudung bawal pin tengah je ok. pin tengah tu yang penting style sekolah asrama dulu. -___- 

but it's better what than not covering yourself. people change kan but it takes time. who knows orang yang kita kutuk-kutuk dulu sekarang dah totally berubah jadi baik. kan?

as long as it covers you chest.

alhamdulillah. thank you

Hi Norazean
I’ve made this change for you and swapped you with another student who requested a shared room.
You are now in room 11.
Kind regards
Donna Lusby
Assistant Head of Hall
University Hall, Victoria University of Wellington
1A Landcross Street, Kelburn, Wellington, NZ

just received email from Donna. ily donna! kikikiki~
single room

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

simple goodbye makes us cry.
 -nabila ameen-


Monday, February 7, 2011

weekend with wonders ♥

with them

briyani kambing
grilled salmon with chips
grilled seafood platter
chocolate ice blended
caramel ice blended cream-based

i love secret recipe more

heart them !

Sunday, February 6, 2011

what future holds in your head

wedding event is a big thing to family. like mine, it's the time where everyone meet up and spill some good latest news around. realising that it's only a week left (yeah i keep counting days), there's seem a lot to catch up these few days. i couldn't tell that i'm such a person who keeps myself at the comfort zone. that's why mom keeps reminding me to pack my stuffs. but what a weekend. cousin's wedding event keeps me off the luggage. it's because; house chores - uncle's house - back home - chat with cousins - off to bed. few books left untouched, and i'm filling some few minutes before sleep finishing eat, pray, love by liz gilbert. i'm in the middle section of the book; pray. it's more to meditation thingy that i don't really fancy. 

back to the topic (after realising that i wrote my life diary instead of something related to the post title. -__- )

so when it comes to school holidays, it indirectly refers to wedding event. a marriage. that would cost you a lifetime. i have this split perception on my mind. does early marriage at young age offer you a guarantee in the future? or what if i don't get married when the time has come? and sometimes the environment drags you to choose what you are still be confused at. i study at teacher training college where marriage topic is always on the verge of the conversation. it gets hotter and merrier when few people keep joining it to add up their opinions. opinions never fail me to give impressions on how these people are thinking. it's common to see trainee teachers get engaged, or even get married. they say that teachers end up having the same routine when they graduate. and so, what's wrong with getting married first. i can't say that they are wrong. it's just that i choose to have my own opinion. on how my life should be planned. 

the late night mothers' talk always make me yawn to the max. and to keep me still alive, i texted some friends. just to have good virtual conversations. only that last night when they talked about nieces and nephews, and related to marriage stuff. i tell you what. there's only one big word to conclude everything about marriage while studying. a hell NO. no wonder they're not up to dating before marriage, even for now. i don't know how was your folks say about that. but to my family, there is always no no planted in their head for it. don't ever dream to get engaged while you're studying. worse to get married. you'll find it complicated to pass every questions they're asking. and it works like structured questions; the level of difficulty goes up for every level that you've passed. i never mention about it to my parents. still scared.

it's according to the family history too. i guess most of the folks (of mine) get married when they have stable job and something good to hold onto in future. like houses or investments.

i guess that i'm still young to predict what will happen in the future. it's a reminder for me to keep on focusing on study instead of stuff like this. i admit that somehow i picture myself getting married with kids and husband around. but reality strucks that marriage differs from what you're thinking right now. it's a whole new path to walk in. and for mates to attend my engagement day, it's not that soon. i mean for at least 3years from now. i have to build this wall on my mind to prevent me from thinking about this in first place.

what i got from the conversation : folks of mine assume that getting engaged at young age means that you've been dating for quite some times that you want it to be official. 
"ini nak tunang mesti sebab dating lah tu. ingat tunang tu boleh menghalalkan ke semua. memang tak payah la nak bertunang. belajar dulu."

you get it?

and the perfect engagement period is 1 to 3 months of nikah. for them. not more than that.

if you've been engaged or get married to you partner at this time, don't get offended. i'm pretty sure that god has fated you that way. it's just me still finding good grip to enjoy what life has to offer you now and then.

SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU KAK BIBAH & HARIZ. may happiness be around and blissful years to cherish together forever after.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

it's way good to be chillax

aku memang ade satu habit ni yang aku memang gelabah. risau tak pasal kan. but then my friends always admit that i always look macam 'cool' lah kan padahal dalam hati tuhan jek yang tahu. like when it's about packing for home, exams or even simple thing like meeting fellas. this worry won't fade in time; unless it's me trying to buck up for myself. i don't confess to people on how i wear my smile to put down the worry. but best people always know how i feel. 

usually when i'm worried, i go to sleep. i love the fact that sleeping vanishes my worries for such a time. like when we're awake, we're hoping that the stuffs that lead to this discomfort feeling won't ever happen.it's frequent to have the wish like this. tapi selalunya memang tak. worry keeps coming. and coming. tak pernah hilang. it's always there. paling ok pun when there's event that i can forget it. only for that period. for longer time i don't know. it's way comforting for people to console and motivate me in any way that's possible. few pats on the back diminishes half of my worry already. that's why i heart my roommate. or we spend time together watching movies; with instant noodle and hot milo. a warm feeling gets through. 

now that it's already february. i won't comment on this much. i just take time to digest that it's worthless to worry on something that's actually off from your control. Allah akan bagi apa yang kita perlu, bukan apa yang kita kehendaki. memang frusfrated bila baru tahu. memang jodoh ke apa ntah aku tak tahu.  it's hard that i can barely give positive comment on it. comfort me please. comfort me.

if we love something, set it free. if it's going back to you, it's meant for you. if it doesn't return, it's never meant for you. -taken from yaya's fb-

wellington, don't give me such worry in future. i beg you please.


noted that i'm still worry about malaysians in egypt. how can the government chose to supply food instead of pulling them out from the country? it's riot man. takkan nak tunggu sampai perang baru nak take serious action?? come on najib. think something!