i don't bother when
1) people steal my seat at Mcd.
2) some die-hard-fan of whomever on telly shouts at their max when their fav. appear on somekind of show. or awards. or just stupid lame ads.
3) i lose in games that weren't supposed at my level. like the zombies or diner dash.
4) the salesgirl doesn't even throw a smile at me when i'm in the shop.
5) the fact that caramel is better than choc. or vice versa. i just swallow both.
it can be slightly upset to know that
1) i'm starving and there's zero food in the kitchen
2) i can't drive right now. because i'm scared. boo me~
3) i don't receive any message today. minus the hotlink thingy. promoting the caller ringtone
4) my sisters have the habit of pinching my cheeks whenever they like
5) there's no interesting things on telly. i mean hello. this is holiday.
it's a total downer when it comes to
1) bad bad results. i can cry for technically the whole night long
2) knowing that i'm just don't have the gut to share my probs. which i end up feeling like a loser.
3) my handphone isn't working. or no credit. when it's urgent. damn
4) my sisters are shouting when i'm asleep.
5) i've watched telly, surf net, eat, sleep and found that i'm still bored at home. duhh
see the word telly. telly. & telly again. told ya i'm a lame person.
& i end up sleeping. again.
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