'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Sunday, November 28, 2010

forever drama

scene is translated to english.

scene 1
sis 1 : angah what's the difference between horrible and terrible.
(b4 i can explain)
sis 2 : (interrupting) horrible is horrible and terrible is terrible. can u just see it? duhh
me : (giggle nonstop)
sis 2 : see. my brain is like angah's brain.
me : hahahahahahahaha. stupid

scene 2
her : can u just please turn ur head for a while
me : whatever lah. u just that excited to have fb acc for now.
her : ok. u can see the screen now
me : what the heck. hahahahahahaha. oh my i never came across ppl who wrote password before mail.

oh ye my sis is so damn excited to log in her fb acc for the first time. 
& declaring herself to be like me? haha. oh my that will never happen.
along baliklah cepat.
i just can't stand laughing for all this madness at home alone.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

my other girlfriends

starting a piece of writing with proverb seems catchy. heheh. so today i went to one of the favorite places that i don't mind spending my time a lot; bookfair. i sooo love to read books; novels to be specific. yeahh it sound flat. but i don't mind. when i first hit the entrance, i went straight to fictions, where i was so kind of excited that i nearly knock out people. hahaha. seeing tonnes of book's like blissfully heaven. :)

rebates up to 70%! felt like grabbing the whole store. but just can't  -_-

self enrichment + effort = success. another catchy ads.

which one to buy eyh?

this one was taken right before the money was handed to cashier.
like most mother did, complaining about things seem endless.
books were filtered due to the price. & the quantity.

little girl who's scared to leave the basket 4 a while. which she ended up carrying it everywhere.

owh. finally after rolling eyes up to the stuffs, 4 books were selected. hard to choose actually. *eyh why i suddenly lose my words. dah mcm xreti nak tulis ajeh. hesh*

another girlfriends :)

after the walk and the buying, i do feel that books are more tempting than hunting for jobs. i mean there's lot of vob vacancies in the mall. shop assistant, cashier, bla bla bla. but but .. i don't feel i need one. even the one from metrojaya can't excite me much. soo helo novels. i'm gonna be with you for couple of hours a day. boyfriend's got jealous with it. haha. ;p

& what more?


another comfy place to lie & happily laze around with books.
immersing yourself into the story.
pillows and blanket. perfect set up.

oh yah. for people around jb who loves reading, checkout the bookfair organised by popular at danga city mall. nov 25 to dec 5. you'll definitely grab at least a piece & never go back empty-handed. happy holiday. & happy reading!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

for friends

appreciate friends who still want to befriend with you
accept flaws and indifferences
don't make silly things as a big issue
and most of all, stand bold dear
enough said rite


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


i don't bother when
1) people steal my seat at Mcd.
2) some die-hard-fan of whomever on telly shouts at their max when their fav. appear on somekind of show. or awards. or just stupid lame ads.
3) i lose in games that weren't supposed at my level. like the zombies or diner dash.
4) the salesgirl doesn't even throw a smile at me when i'm in the shop.
5) the fact that caramel is better than choc. or vice versa. i just swallow both.

it can be slightly upset to know that
1) i'm starving and there's zero food in the kitchen
2) i can't drive right now. because i'm scared. boo me~
3) i don't receive any message today. minus the hotlink thingy. promoting the caller ringtone
4) my sisters have the habit of pinching my cheeks whenever they like
5) there's no interesting things on telly. i mean hello. this is holiday.

it's a total downer when it comes to
1) bad bad results. i can cry for technically the whole night long
2) knowing that i'm just don't have the gut to share my probs. which i end up feeling like a loser.
3) my handphone isn't working. or no credit. when it's urgent. damn
4) my sisters are shouting when i'm asleep.
5) i've watched telly, surf net, eat, sleep and found that i'm still bored at home. duhh

see the word telly. telly. & telly again. told ya i'm a lame person.
& i end up sleeping. again. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

kerja or tak kerja?

seeing updates in fb makes me think twice
to work or not to work
there's seem job vacancies somewhere here
but but but
to get a job or not?
cukup ke sebulan lebih nak spend time dgn family?
tapi nak experience jugak
money doesn't be the matters
but i'm thinking of engaging myself in real life
rather than bulking up fats at home
dah macam mane niiiiiii



semester break

here comes the hols again.
i want to.

# learn to cook
# teach sibs english
# going to book fair
# get a digicam
# drive. perhaps?
# & a. job?. -it's not a need, but i feel want to-

pray hard.
& eat a lot. (of course.haha)
