'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

big sister is her middle name.

happy 21st year of wisdom
have a blissful & meaningful birthday. 
ececeyh it's all pon because that particular person.heheh
i'm out of words actually ni.heish.
nk col pon engaged sajek.
oh dah merepek.
because it's malaysia day too, i would like to wish freedom too.boleh.ekekeke
hope u're more matured. more rational. 
be a good big sista.
ok dah.
i'm gonna miss u more. 

why i notice this entry's full of 'haha' && 'heheh'? 


Saturday, August 28, 2010

beetle is back!

august means a lot to me. a month where my birthdays happen. i just love it. except for one thing. it's a month where paddy is harvested. and explains why there's sooooo many tiny bugs hanging around. darn! i hate u charlie forever!!! ugh. (charlie is a bug. poisonous for it's fluid). && leaving me in pain for that.sakit bukan stakat cikai2 punye. tgk skali dah mcm kne dera jek.eh tak tak tak. heish. i never know how bad charlie is eversince i live. and i only realise it now. say heylo to antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory cream. T_T. how i hate meds so much. what makes it worse is that it happens to be at the back of my knees. (see. korang boley rase kan cemane rase sakitnye nauzubillah.).dahla because of that, i have to pray in sit situation. lepastu kaki kena angkat mase tido. tulah sekarang baru nak appreciate zaman2 sihat.tsk tsk. lepasni bolehla tido bselubung slimot sambil mulut mengomel2 panas. sbab nak menghalang charlie punye pasal. pathetic pathetic. 

but but there's one thing that i look forward. JB the hometown to be exact! weee. heart leaps sky high! am going home next thursday. thursday please come faster. xsabar nak abis assignment cepat. nak jumpe sibs, parents, friends. and raya(means duit raye.ekekeke). to cik azah, we'll do the shopping thingy later okies. approval has been given by mum. only need the approval from the big boss to grant the money to us.hehe.i sooo miss enjoying window shopping at the mall, steamboat at dataran, bazaar at uda and many more lah. to cik uda,ahda and neyna, there's something about mary for you guys! cepat2 baik dengan angah.haha.eyh assignment says helo. so farewell for now. till then. =)

this black-and-orange thingy ruined my day. eh no no. dayysssss. dah dah shooooossssshhhh away.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

u go girl!

assignment : english language teaching methodology
scribbled (i mean pouring my brain out) at : college library
time : from 11am till now. u do the math on how long i've been sitting here
target : 2500 words
&& i've only been crapping about 1400 plus words only.
darn. bulan puase xbaek mencarut.hesh

go go chaiyok!!

oh please give me some miracles......

Monday, August 23, 2010

i told you sudah..

catch the drama that is aired every monday, 9pm only on tv3!

haa. what do you expect of it. i fancy the satyrs? the actresses as well? or perhaps the drama? you're all mistaken. this is the mixed language entry. malay and english. heheh. sbenarnya xde kaitan pun drama ni dgn motif sbenar penulisan. except for the title. hehehehehehe. arjuna means satyr or lover. & it might be originated from the hindu civilization or the ancestors of java (which technically related to buddhism before ages). ceyhceyh dah mcm blaja ethnic relation jek. uh.ok. the real motive of writing this entry is that i want to make it clear that i don't simply put the word 'arjuna' at the back of my name. i dont fancy the oh-that-is-cool-to-pick-that-hot girls/guys' nickname-and-lets-put-it-anyway! huh.soooo not me. the only real thing that i bother about telling u guys about it is that 'arjuna' addresses my father's name. accentuated. it's quite bothering enough to explain for several times that i can't remember abt this matter. i sometimes giggle in silent as i know that it's quite bizarre for ppl to come across this 'arjuna' thingy in this new era. kan kan? how unique is that. having a dad with cool name. haha. no offense.

so the conclusion is ARJUNA is my father's name. and i tak saje2 letak just nk bagi nama i tu nampak fancy okeyh.

p/s: we're javanese. in fact that you just wonder where on earth that my late grandfather dig that name. and give it to my father. at least it sounds peculiar to malay people these days. slamat berbuka!

Friday, August 20, 2010

when you're torn apart

i never pray for things to be like this
i never see this coming through my way
i never see how it would affect me
i never realise it until it's too late
i can never satisfy you
i can never be perfect


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

of dignity and self.

kadang-kadang kita memang perlu mengeraskan hati demi menjaga maruah diri.


if you were women, would you trade your dignity for something that is not worth sacrificed for? sometimes i just ponder why it happens. dignity is something precious. let's say in a situation; you don't want to attend any concert, but someone urge you to do so. and he is the one that you loved most. would you do it to satisfy his desire and ignore yours? or would you just be firm on your stand? looking back the years that i've been through, it's not that bad to sometimes be selfish. headstrong could be other reasons. call me freak. call me weirdo. i embrace it. it's hard to explain why i restrict certain things. i assume that people don't understand me.or they pretend not to. i am constantly reminded by  my parents on how i should behave. guilty sometimes surrounding me when i did something that's waayyy out of control. but deep down inside, i know that there's something that i should stand for. sorry if i am being so harsh. i have reasons for that.

sorry if i'm being ignorant.
sorry if my words hurt you.
sorry if i refuse to join you.
sorry if my firm stand doesn't suit you.

of all many things that evolve around, i thank god for granting me bittersweet family, friends who go up and down the hills together and people who care about me. thanks for knowing how i function and cheer me when i'm blue. i shall never regret you and believe me, even if i raise my voice, even if i pause my words for such a long time, i still love you guys. and thank you for the advice.  

Monday, August 16, 2010

kata semangat

usah dipinta 'kecilkan' ujian, pintalah 'dibesarkan iman' menghadapinya.
                                                                                    -SOLUSI, 2008-

         keeping faith in Allah.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

to. kill

i just couldn't care less
why i'm soo darn lazy to work my ass off for assignments
i prefer to drool my eyes on ppl's blogs
rather than sticking 'em on assignment papers
i envy her. i envy her writings.seriously
can anyone give me somekind of prescriptions;
the one that could give the the feeling of sane (or halfway there) to brush my words out for assignment?

ok now i'm regretting myself for letting go the time.
notice me with severe eyebags soon.

Friday, August 13, 2010

SBE's done. yeay!

school base experience officially ended on thursday, august 12 2010
thank you to all teachers and staffs of


*oh i sooo suke the makan2 thing.heheh*
pakcik zul (official transport.hihi)
kerana sudi menunggu kami di pondok guard pada pukul 7pagi
dan menunggu kami pulang dgn sabarnye hingga pkul 2ptg 
(even we called u to pick us at 1.30) 
dan pulang semula ke IPSAH
say heylo to 8am classes
& farewell to 7am departure to school!


relieve class.

"good morning, pupils"
"good morning, teacher"

*rase unbelievable kejap jadi ckgu. =D*

ceyh ceyh. entering Year One class was much more easier.in terms of handling the pupils; than entering Year Two classes. what a day. trainee taechers also have to relieve class. there's one class *particularly Year 2Alim* , i mean one student kept on saying "teacher, u crazy.haha". hadeh.sabar jelah berbakul2. but they were nice actually. they just love teasing new teachers. nsb bek lah school base experience ja. if praktikum, matilah aku.heh.

because my partner and I didn't plan anything for relieve class, we just did simple activity for Year One Alim. which was drawing. it was fun. hehe. seeing them drawing whatever they wished. dgn turbo car, rumah yang jalan mati, tembikai salah warna. eysh. pupils, pupils.. it makes sense actually. in their dreams. it's okay, as long as they could convince me why they did that. hehe. but there's one drawing that touched me. it's because practically my name was written on it. ceyh ceyh touching sket xpelah.hahaa. i kept your artwork okeyh, alissa. =)

alissa's artwork

not bad for the beginners. ignore the 'flipped' Z. it's a LINUS class after all. but hey, u guys made us happy!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

childhood memories

i remember how i hate waking up early in the morning just to go to school. i remember how i hated to be hated when i had this little fight, fighting over food, pencils or whatsoever. and during that moment, i hated school so much. but there's things that seem to conquer my mind, refusing themselves to be abolished from my mind. a primary school was a start for me to really mingle with peers, boasting this newly purchased oh-so-cool pencil case, water tumbler and rubber fight (it seemed cool though).hehe. i've just came across these stuffs when i made an observe in this particular Year One class. what a day.

cute water tumbler

tumbler. the one that could pop up at the top. with the straw. plus the cartoon thingy. you could never resist it.heheh

super cool pencil case! o yeah!

girl's version. minnie oh

the interior case

see the compartments. the stand-up pencil case, sharpener, eraser. it's a bliss that pupils could ask for from parents. enough of having it. =)

how i thought these things were only a trend that would vanish in time. but actually, it's a stage, a must that people will sail through. 

how i missed being a child.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

ramadhan al- mubarak

Salam, it's been a whole new month according to Islamic calendar. It's the month that all muslims waiting for. during ramadhan, muslims fast and perform trawikh prayer. it is also the month that all evils are tied. it's a blessed month after all. but hey, did you know the meaning of ramadhan? i've came across one article & it's a pleasure to share the knowledge with u guys.

Ramadan means hot or burnt. it is because normally it's very sunny and hot in the Arab peninsula. and when the people devoted themselves to Allah and practise Islamic way of life, this month is the fasting month for Muslims.

may we are blessed during this holy month. amin.
happy fasting!

Monday, August 2, 2010

day 1 of school experience

the very first day at




dah dah. nak tulis report on teachers on duty pulak. ok. sgt mengantok. go go chaiyok! 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saya Berdating Esok. ;))

hehehe. 'i'm going for a date tomorrow'. sounds catchy yet interesting. whoahh. okay for the first date, are you looking out for it? checked. are you nervous? checked. have you prepared all the stuffs for it? checked. concern about how would you dress? checked. a first date means a lot. and more. first impression, is important. yelakan. if u're not sure with yourself, u might end up being insulted by other people. which i try to avoid it. haish.

i'm going for a date. in school. in other words. going for SBE (school based experience). as this is the first time that we are really going to see how the teaching works, i am soo nervous on how it's going to be like. being a teacher is not  that easy. plus if u're a trainee teacher. who'll be watched most of the time. i wonder how, i wonder why.lemontree teeheehee.. let's just pray for good for this two weeks time of SBE.insyaallah.

assembly in the morning. is it going to be like this? or worse? -__-   

dear pupils,
be easy on miss noera okay?
i'll be a good teacher