'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Thursday, April 18, 2013

definition of love



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

daie romantis?


just read an article on daie. deeming that most (not all) seem to just repeat what they've got from their naqibah. was taken aback by the critiques as it sounds a bit harsh. but then, when you sit back and think, it does has something with the way you are being defensive on what you believe. i'd rather say it hurts but it is like a wakeup call to us, daie. do not just merely vomit everything that you've got. here comes the part where synthesizing should take place. memang sangat sakit untuk dikatakan daie yang hanya share benda2 yang sweet, but not putting your own thinking on it. yes. we should admit that we have that victory back then, but hey this is reality. you need to do something. where knowledge comes first, i think that we all should be putting more thoughts along with the efforts of trying to show people the way back to Allah. 

that's the harm of popular thinking. people would just don't know how to internalise the ideology. 
hoping that this is written without emotions interfering in.

sangat menyakitkan bila kita tak sedar kita sebenarnya almost being a robot daie.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

GE 13 sneak peek

no comments on any party. but daily browsing on fb makes me pause a while and wonder. the kind of argument with no brain shouting wars on each other for the sake of defending one's choice? man (ladies applied too), grow up and think rationally. don't go so emotional that you could actually annoy others # maybe stress over work or something?. take it as respect to anyone's choice. i learnt my lesson that go research on something reliable.although it seems that it's hard to trust on any source. pause again.

zaman fitnah ni macam-macam boleh berlaku.

#it may seem as an emotional post. with sweeping statement and what not. but. letting it be like this may give less harm to people's thoughts and opinions.
#no religious dalil etc as people might go overboard misinterpreting what i actually want to say. no sarcasm needed.

choose wisely i must say.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

tak cukup sabar lagi ni T_T

Kesabaran yg elok (sabran jameela) ialah kesabaran yang tenang tenteram, kesabaran yang tak disertai perasaan2 marah & gelisah & tak pula disertai rasa ragu2 terhadap kebenaran janji Allah.

Kesabaran org yg yakin terhadap akibat2, kesabaran orang yang rela dengan takdir Allah, kesabaran orang yang menyedari hikmat di sebalik ujian Allah & kesabaran orang yang sentiasa berhubung dengan Allah & mencari pahala di sisiNya dari apa shaja kesusahan yang menimpa dirinya..

#syed qutb via sis iffah