'Taqwa is to fear the Almighty; to act upon the revelation; to be content with little & to prepare for the day of travel' -Ali bin Abi Talib-

Monday, December 16, 2013

“Apabila kita mencari sudut baik dalam jiwa manusia kita akan dapati di sana kebaikan yang banyak barangkali mata tidak dapat melihatnya pada awal pandangan.

Sesungguhnya kejahatan itu bukanlah sesuatu yang mendalam di jiwa insan sehingga ke peringkat kita bayangkan kadang-kala. Ia hanyalah kulit keras luaran yang manusia gunakannya menghadapi kehidupan demi untuk bertahan. Apabila mereka beriman maka tersingkaplah kulit keras luaran itu, zahirlah buah manis yang menyelerakan...buah manis ini hanya tersingkap kepada sesiapa yang mampu menjadikan manusia merasa aman di sisinya...dengan keyakinan terhadap kasihnya...dengan simpati yang hakiki atas masalah, kesakitan, kesilapan dan kebodohan mereka...dengan sedikit berlapang dada pada peringkat awal menjamin untuk merealisasikan itu semua. Ia lebih pantas dari sangkaan kebanyakan orang.”

-Afrah al-Ruh by Sayyid Qutb, read by Dr. MAZA-

Thursday, October 3, 2013

those days. another self tarbiyyah

somehow all we just want is to lodge complaints and see no beyond. being at the other side of the people was indeed one of the biggest tarbiyyah that i learnt for myself.

" be patient. take responsibility."

the words that should've been taken beyond what eyes could see.

O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.

[al-Baqarah, 2:153]

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

pada awan itu

Manusia menanti awan berkalimah Allah untuk hidayah,
sedangkan hidayah sudah tersedia wujud pada awan yang tidak berkalimah.

-hilal asyraf-

should we ask for the impossible?

we always heard about Prophet Zakaria asking Allah to grant him child. with his age and his wife's barren condition, having child was the least possible thing to happen. he did ask although he knew that was impossible to happen. indeed Allah is the ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

did we even thought that any of our supplication could happen in no time? like asking for cancerous patient to be healthy again. 

do we really pull our heart out, leaving the highest faith to Allah in our supplication?
do we sometimes think that our supplications are one plain stupid and impossible?
do we still ask Allah for things that we doubt to happen?

never stop your prayer.
with Him granting child for Prophet Zakaria, why can't we have that level of faith to Allah?
why we still doubt?


so, yeah.
we can ask for the impossibles.
time will tell.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Saturday, July 6, 2013


I had an odd realization today: All my *closest* friends throughout my entire life have been the *exact same type*!
The 'deep', 'wounded', often misunderstood, introvert. (yasmin mogahed)

The most amazing people I have met in life are deep because they are wounded. Misunderstood by others and often misunderstood by themselves even. Wounds bring light to the heart. An appreciation for life and humanity on a whole other level.

buying it, no?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

real man

he's not a figured man. in early fifties he's still not fail to bring back some treats for teatime. well though we rarely finish it. when he's the one who' riding you back with motorbikes after school. who ride again to the grocery shop when the house runs out of eggs. in latest trend, buying few packs of vitagens or yakults, another litre of peel fresh orange drink. y'know a kind of considered like healthy treats for the girls. he's the one who fix the light bulb, change the color though we sisters differ in opinions. the one who always consider having holidays together during school breaks. and hey, with the seafood dinner once in awhile. just to feel home. well, i know you would always want the best for your kids, although it is always being misunderstood. do you remember when you were taking us to the zoo while mom was away for a course? well you did tried hard to entertain us when mom's not around. and i was only eleven maybe. or maybe when the last time we had phone conversations and lasts only few minutes. the kind of awkward silent when you're by my side, i just speak silently in my head. the time where you drive me throughout the highway, the kind of consoling words, i just know it's for my betterment. dad, it is always comforting just to see you pulling out jokes to cheer up the conditions. and by people doubting your actions, i believe that you are just standing up pride for your family. just so that your family feels that there's always someone they can rely on through the hard times. i just hope it's true, although you try to hide your disappointment. i know that.

nevermind, i feel you, dad. i'm always trying.
just so you know.

maka ya Allah, eratkanlah ikatan yang ada.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

hottest fever

so the general election's coming. that everyone tends to stand for the truth that they claim it to be. everyone deserves to be true but for once, being vocal is another thing. looking into the two sides of government and opponent, you just get stuck in defining what lies behind all those things. trust me it's one of the hardest decisions ever in my life. or perhaps it comes every 5 years of election. one advice dad gave to us: keep it in low key or you'll find yourself obsessive with every single thing you believe. minus the rational minds that is more horrific. did your research, done with observing people, ask Allah for what's best and make wise choice.

dear Malaysians, make your wise choice for the nation.
as most importantly to the muslims, choose the one whom you'll see paving better path for the real practice of Islam (well the most convincing and eligible candidate regardless of party).

#brain still cannot digest the zionist influence & tactics over this election -.-

Thursday, April 18, 2013

definition of love



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

daie romantis?


just read an article on daie. deeming that most (not all) seem to just repeat what they've got from their naqibah. was taken aback by the critiques as it sounds a bit harsh. but then, when you sit back and think, it does has something with the way you are being defensive on what you believe. i'd rather say it hurts but it is like a wakeup call to us, daie. do not just merely vomit everything that you've got. here comes the part where synthesizing should take place. memang sangat sakit untuk dikatakan daie yang hanya share benda2 yang sweet, but not putting your own thinking on it. yes. we should admit that we have that victory back then, but hey this is reality. you need to do something. where knowledge comes first, i think that we all should be putting more thoughts along with the efforts of trying to show people the way back to Allah. 

that's the harm of popular thinking. people would just don't know how to internalise the ideology. 
hoping that this is written without emotions interfering in.

sangat menyakitkan bila kita tak sedar kita sebenarnya almost being a robot daie.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

GE 13 sneak peek

no comments on any party. but daily browsing on fb makes me pause a while and wonder. the kind of argument with no brain shouting wars on each other for the sake of defending one's choice? man (ladies applied too), grow up and think rationally. don't go so emotional that you could actually annoy others # maybe stress over work or something?. take it as respect to anyone's choice. i learnt my lesson that go research on something reliable.although it seems that it's hard to trust on any source. pause again.

zaman fitnah ni macam-macam boleh berlaku.

#it may seem as an emotional post. with sweeping statement and what not. but. letting it be like this may give less harm to people's thoughts and opinions.
#no religious dalil etc as people might go overboard misinterpreting what i actually want to say. no sarcasm needed.

choose wisely i must say.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

tak cukup sabar lagi ni T_T

Kesabaran yg elok (sabran jameela) ialah kesabaran yang tenang tenteram, kesabaran yang tak disertai perasaan2 marah & gelisah & tak pula disertai rasa ragu2 terhadap kebenaran janji Allah.

Kesabaran org yg yakin terhadap akibat2, kesabaran orang yang rela dengan takdir Allah, kesabaran orang yang menyedari hikmat di sebalik ujian Allah & kesabaran orang yang sentiasa berhubung dengan Allah & mencari pahala di sisiNya dari apa shaja kesusahan yang menimpa dirinya..

#syed qutb via sis iffah

Saturday, March 9, 2013

nasibla kita tak kena bencana. yang tu kat seberang laut je. eh?

last sharing session in the happy circle. kind of reflecting malaysian's attitudes towards things that happened lately. the 'alhamdulillah nasib baik tak kena dekat tempat kita' attitude that actually resembles our state of ignorance. like lahad datu kot? still in denial that a small war is happening around. and still, we say it's ok? on the other side, is fidgeting restlessly. still, it is a point that we should reflect on ourselves. it's only a small spark that Allah has sent to us. like wake up! get back to reality. this is not a lavish comfort zone that you should've just accept anything. saddened by nowadays scenario. youngsters seem to enjoy their 'young golden era' (speaking to own self T_T) and choose to be ignorant. mostly....

get back from where the heart is.
stop blaming others.
ask yourself for what you've done and contributed to your religion at first place.
only then, you'll see the different revelation on how this dunya overpowers you.

Telah jelas kerosakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan oleh perbuatan tangan manusia; Allah menghendaki agar mereka merasakan sebahagian daripada (akibat) perbuatan mereka, agar mereka kembali (ke jalan yang benar).

                                                                                     [ar-Rum (Bangsa Romawi), 30:41]

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

‎"It was praying to God during the dark times that saved me, but it was praying to God during the good times that changed me."

Islamic wisdom

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

somehow, somewhat it gets really dizzy to think what people say. like really throwing out all those opinions. i somehow wondering what those people mean if they're mean to each other. criticizing doesn't mean an opponent. praising doesn't mean a supporter. with the idea of popular thinking, i somehow couldn't distinguish which thinking that i possess. is it because it's a popular idea or just my 2 cents. somehow, a bit frusfrated just because i don't have much deeper knowledge on issues. somehow.

when people says that getting older means you'll be blurred on the line between truth and lies. you just have to rely on your own thinking in the end. and that's pretty exhausting.

moga Allah memandu hati kita ke arah kebenaran walaupun dari pihak mana sekalipun.

#of political issues, religious ones and the malaysian trends that i couldn't cope on.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tanda diterimanya ‘amal seorang hamba di sisi Allah adalah ketika suatu ketaatan menuntunnya pada ketaatan yang lebih tinggi.

Dan di antara tanda ditolaknya ‘amal seorang hamba adalah jika ketaatannya tetap diikuti maksiat; tak tercegah dia darinya.

Dan tanda diterimanya taubat seorang hamba adalah kekeliruan lalunya tak diulang; dalam harap-cemas terus sibuk berketaatan.

Kebaikan sesudah kejelekan akan menghapus yang buruk itu. Dan hal yang lebih baik sesudah kebaikan, mengantar pada ridhaNya.
-Ibnu Rajab.

RT salimafillah [via kak sumayyah abdul aziz]

Saturday, January 26, 2013


mitsaqan ghalizha
perjanjian yang sangat berat

is mentioned in al-Quran thrice
while 2 of them is about tauheed
the other one is about the aqad in marriage

do you see the weightage that it comes after?

[kado pernikahan, Mohammad Fauzil Adhim]

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Do not belittle your potential for Jannah"
-Boona Mohammed-


Thursday, January 17, 2013

let the rain falls

assalamualaikum wbt

greetings to all. let's start sharing again shall we? let's go back to the start. return all your feelings to Allah. enduring all these bureaucracies & fighting hard with self. hoarding few books. adapting with surprise2 things that happened lately. oh well you know academic life. but in the end of the day, it is us, ourselves that we should reflect on. what have we learned so far from things around us? do we take it positively, or continue to moan on every single thing? *rhetorically.

You thought the storm, the ocean, the fear, the sadness, the mistakes, the loss, the brokenness was all bad for you. But really it was only a means. It was all a vehicle to make you seek Him. To bring you back. To bring you back to completion, to happiness, to life. To bring you back to where you began. To bring you back to all that you really seek. 
To bring you back to Him.

             (Yasmin Mogahed, Looking For God) 

sebarkan cintaNya.